The things I think about at 1AM

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*disclaimer* I am not obsessed with Descendants, I like some characters but I'm not like that lol

What if for the fourth descendants it was basically a basic watt pad fic (the stereotypical ones)

I assume we're all familiar with Descendants?

So bc Cameron Boyce is dead (may he rest in peace) Carlos is assassinated (more on that later) and Mal is, obviously, distraught. Ben, being the mf he is, is upset at how little attention Mal is paying him and decides "if she won't pay me attention, she won't mind if I hook up with her best friend. Right." Wrong. He hooks up (plural) with Evie (whom left Doug, because, let's be honest, he's useless) and they're together

Mal finds out, files for divorce but also goes to bbg Uma and Fake Dom (Harry Hook)

They start a relationship (fight me)

Ben finds out and in proper Reddit fashion, gets mad at her for doing the exact thing he did.

So, Uma and Harry are rich af bc they started an assassin thing a while back, on the Isle. Their services are open to everyone and they can't decline a client. They also happened to be the people Cruella De Vil hired to kill her son because he "turned on her"

Mal originally goes to them because of the assassination. She finds out it's them that run it and they console her and tell her that he's not really dead, just living somewhere else for now. Time passes, blah blah blah, she gets close to them. Then finds out about Ben and Evie.

And, because Ben and Mal got married so young they didn't think very far ahead and, against his parents wishes, did not sign a prenup. (It is a prenup that prevents you taking any money when divorcing, right?) and takes ALL his money (metaphorically, he's a king for gods-akes)

Then, Mal Harry and Uma live their lives out peacefully, rich as hell and living with a supposedly dead person.

Someone get me meds please

I need desperate medical attention

But anyway

All my love, Ace

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