mostly Traphouse quotes

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"I would drop-kick that motherfucker into his next life"


"Holy shit, you're like, the coolest twink I've ever seen"


"You know, you look like a slut"


"Like yes I'll kiss my bros but it's like in a straight way"


"You realize you're 25 and Santa isn't real?"


"Here's a D, for depression"


"Here's a D, for dumbass"


"No the first one haunts me, I would never kiss you"


"I can't wait to give this to my dad.........................oh wait he's dead"


"BraAAndOn, it's very not to meet you"


*Throws table* oh I'm so sorry, did you not ask for a table?"


"Why didn't you tell me you were battery-operated?"




*Screams and swings arms*


"I will ask you again, where are your parents? *bat pops up* WILL EAT YOU BAT-"



There will be new people in the next few quotes and if you want to know who these people are I'll put it below. Also, these are copied from my notes, the format is going to be very spacy but that's because I put the name below the quote. 

Jake is - Jake Webber, singer and youtube

Johnnie is - Johnnie Guilbert, singer and youtuber 

Brandon is - Imbrandonfarris on YouTube

Kris is - KallMeKris, need I explain who she is?

Tara is - TaraYummy on everything I believe, mostly Yt, not sure what else she does

Ariya is - a singer and was in a few trap house videos, idk if he still does videos

Corey is - a YouTube, has a song on Spotify, does yt videos with *gag* elToN

Colby - Sam and Colby on yt, has three songs (Skin is a vibe) 

Sam - Sam and Colby on yt

Kevin - Someone Jake/Sam/Colby/Corey used to make videos with, not sure anything about him

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