77. A Bali Break

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Jessie ran her hand over her bump as Seb opened the door of their hire car for her

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Jessie ran her hand over her bump as Seb opened the door of their hire car for her. She thanked him and climbed into the passenger seat of the ice blue Toyota Avanza. She turned her head and watched as Seb secured Mollie's car seat behind the drivers seat.  

Once satisfied that their daughter was safely strapped in Jessie took her sunglasses out of her handbag and slipped them on.   It was a hot day and the sun was shining brightly, but that was to be expected in Bali.

Seb climbed into the drivers seat besides his wife and put his own pair of RayBans on before putting his seatbelt on and starting the car up.

"Are you sure you don't need the toilet?" he asked her. "It's nearly two hours drive to the villa."

"I'm positive. I went just before we landed."

"Ok, just remember to say if you want me to stop. Don't try to hold it."

Jessie rolled her eyes. Why was Seb so obssessed with her bladder? Sure, she had to go more often nowadays, but still...

She ran her hand over her bump again. Now twenty five weeks, she felt enormous. Her bump looked so big, due to her own small stature.

She gave a long yawn as Seb pulled out of the airport car park.

"Why don't you have a nap?" he suggested.

"You try napping when you've got a baby the size of an aubergine wiggling around inside you."

"An aubergine huh?" Seb murmured, tapping his fingers on the leather steering wheel.

"Yep, and next week it will be a cantaloupe melon." Seb chuckled.

He couldn't wait to get to the villa so he could relax. The last few weeks had been exhausting to say the least.

The media attention had been extreme after his admission of Jessie's pregnancy. They'd been hounded on their way out of the circuit and at Milan airport the day after. Britta's phone had been ringing non stop with requests for interviews and statements. In the end they'd written a statement which had been posted on Seb's Instagram account. They'd told how they'd got a miracle and thanked everyone for their interest but also pleaded for them to be given privacy.

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