78. Revenge of the Ex

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Jessie hadn't wanted to go to Austin.  She really hadn't wanted to, but she had.  She didn't know why she'd felt so unenthusiastic about going but she had.  She'd just a bad feeling about something.

Maybe it was just because she'd spent so much time away from home lately.  The Maldives, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Bali.   She'd been to them all over the last couple of months with only brief visits home in between. 

At twenty seven weeks pregnant the last thing she'd wanted to do was get on another long haul flight but that is exactly what she'd done. Seb wanted her there. Seb needed her there.

If she'd have known what was going to happen she wouldn't have gone.  She'd have given in to her instincts and stayed at home.  If she'd have known how the week would end she'd have let Seb go by himself no matter how much he needed her.  

But she wasn't psychic, she didn't know, so she went, and it turned out to be a weekend that she'd never forget, for all the wrong reasons...


When Jessie returned from changing Mollie in Seb's driver room she found him sat at a table, deep in conversation with Britta.

He lifted his head as she approached, smiling gently at her. 

"Hey Britta," she greeted the German woman. "How are you?"

"I'm good thanks Jessie. How are you? I missed you in Baku and Singapore.  He was like a bear with a sore head without you."

"I was not!" Seb exclaimed in mock indignation.  Britta laughed and nodded.

"Yes you were."

"I believe you Britta," Jessie said, sitting down on the chair next to Seb.   Mollie reached out and grabbed hold of his sleeve and began to pull on it. 

"You women love ganging up on me!"

"Where's Martha? Perhaps she would like to join in too," Jessie said.

"Martha was outside talking to Silvia the last time I saw her," Seb replied.

"So what's the schedule for today?" Jessie asked Britta. 

"Well he's got the press conference this afternoon at 2. An interview with one of the local television stations at 3.  Before that he's got his seat fit and track walk, plus I need him to sign some caps and driver cards."

"There you two go, talking about me like I'm not even here," Seb grumbled. 

"Ah poor baby," Jessie teased him, ruffling his hair. 

"Actually Jessie, I've got some news for you," he said, changing the subject.


"Violetta texted me.  Valentino has got the date for his surgery." Jessie gasped. 

"That's great isn't it?  When is it?"

"The twenty eighth of November."

"He's got this! I know he has. He's a fighter!"

"I hope you're right."

Jessie's phone beeped. She handed Mollie to Seb and took the phone out of the pocket of her cropped trousers.  Looking at the message she'd got, she smiled. 

"Well have a great day champ," she told him, standing up and lifting Mollie back out of his arms.  "Mollie and I have a brunch date with Lieke."

"Oh do you now?" She put Mollie into her stroller and fastened the straps.  She then kissed Seb quickly on the lips.

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