Chapter 1: The Chosen One

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As it stands by, nothing seem to be going on judging by what you see-if anything, you might mistake it thinking this is what you get by closing your eyes. A deep and pitch black color of darkness surrounding everything.

But wait, how is this scenario a thing? Even the darkest nights have their dim source of light in the form of distant stars. But, as it seems, such a thing isnt present in this place. Just what on Earth happened?


However, a quick yet careful sound of walking resonated in this dark void hellscape only to be followed by more restless walking sounds. If we are able to have night vision, we could see that there indeed is something going on!

A badly bruised yet determined shiny Absol is busy making sure that he doesnt disturb too much. That Absol if it were daylight, has some very noticeable scars-the main and obvious ones are located in his horn to which was cut off in an intense face off and his eyes to which his right eye was badly damaged that he could no longer open his eye anymore and lost vision on that eye, forever. It was also due to an unfortunate event to which it almost costed his life.

As many of you are wondering, just what the heck happened? Why is this poor and badly injured shiny Absol in such a state? Who did this? Well, to answer all of your questions. Kevin, the Absol in question could easily respond to all of that. 

While Kevin is busy carefully walking and doing what he needs to do, I will explain it to you. If any of you have played any of the Mystery Dungeon games, you could make the assumption that Kevin isnt a natural pokemon but a human turned into a pokemon and yadda yadda. Then you would be correct! 

Kevin here is special, he is out to make sure that his role is fulfilled. Something important to which can only be entrusted by courageous, intelligent, outstanding and strong… well just make sure to ignore those bruises and we are good to go. Anyways, a role is carried out by capable individuals-mainly from outside worlds.

Also, in this blackhole of a scenery, it is wise to make sure to not draw too much attention as Kevin here accidentally did just that by stepping on some sort of psychic wisp.

"Bloody hell!" Kevin, with anger that easily surpassed that of a Primeape, shouted.

It didnt take a genius to figure out two and two and just like that, a battle cry came from the South as Kevin shaked madly in fear.

"Meeeewww!" The roar echoed loudly as it was approaching Kevin at an alarming rate.

Kevin had no choice but to use his remaining power. So he did just that and amplified his night vision to a ten fold, making him be able to detect the incoming threat. The threat is none other than a battle hungry Mega Mewtwo Y.

However, before Kevin could react. Another threat made itself known in the form of a vicious howl.

"Awooool!" A Zacian Crowned howled, sending shivers to the already scared beyond straight Kevin while its howls stopped Mewtwo in its tracks.

And as it were a domino effect, more threats arose, the most prominent and noticeable one being Primal Kyogre who Kevin didnt need to use his powers to know that Kyogre was near. The intense ocean-creating rain it brings made that loud and clear.

Man, is Kevin unlucky today. We have Mega Mewtwo Y, Zacian Crowned, Reshiram, Kyurem, Primal Kyogre, Lugia and Mega Rayquaza. However, this little meet up ended being Kevin's miracle as Mewtwo quickly took its attention from him and redirected it towards the other agressive and feral legendaries which ended up causing a battle royale.

Kevin knew to take this chance and leave. So he did just that and once he felt somewhat at a safe distance, he looked at the others and saw that battle was indeed crazy. Some psy power being throwned here and there by Mega Mewtwo Y or Lugia, the battlefield kept on getting submerged by water only to be evaporated by Reshiram's fire which lit up the area with light for a bit or to be frozen by Kyurem's ice. As Zacian and Rayquaza are trying to pinpoint on where the others are, constantly firing off random attacks that ended up hurting the terrain more and more.

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