Chapter 2: Welcome to the world of Pokemon!

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A young person was busy running for his life from a horde of people after him. His crime, accidentally snooped in on them during one of their crimes and to prevent any possible witnesses, they decided to axe him.

The person running away didnt have much going for him, born and raised on the streets by an addict mom-needless to say, that she never gave him any motherly love nor did she live long enough to see her kid's 15 birthday... or his 8 birthday... what he knew to do was to mow the lawn, clean houses and be a clown for parties-if people actually trusted him to do those things. They might seem lowly to the majority, but its what brought money to the table even if it wasnt much.

However, the person's luck came to a dead end, literally and figuratively as he was cornered with no where to run. The young guy thought that he is done for as he rubbed his dirty hand over his sweaty and dirty head. Just as they were coming closer, he felt a sharp pain surfacing from a part of his stomach as he weakly let out a yell of pain. Looks like his kidney stones are coming at a time like this.

The moment the gang got close to him, they didnt hesitate to attack the helpless hobo as it didnt take much to knock the living daylights out of him but before being knocked out, he thought of one positive thing although dark but positive... that he wont be alive anymore to witness any hardships.

Goodbye to all the hungry day and nights, goodbye to his kidney stones, goodbye insults, goodbye bullying, goodbye being ignored and most importantly, goodbye depression.

The gang weren't soft at him at all. They had the intention of killing him. Blood didn't take long to come out as his body and face were unrecognizable due to all the blood being released.

However, the police shortly arrived and the gang, not wanting to get involve even more, decided to bail and leave the critically wounded person there. The moment the police came, they saw the person and one of them put him in his car and quickly drove off to a hospital.


At the hospital, the doctors managed to save him but, the trauma was so bad that he was in a coma. And to make things worse, if he doesnt have any money to which he obviously doesn't, they will dump him. And once that was established with him being dirt poor. The hospital staff made a quick decision as they sent a male nurse who is ripped to take him off the premises.

The buff male nurse bursts into the room, a comically triumphant grin plastered across his face. Confirming his wicked love for kicking patients out.

"Finally! The moment I've been waiting for! Time to kick Mr. No-Money-Bags outta here!" The excited nurse stated.

the nurse's enthusiasm, as he strides over with exaggerated determination. Before the nurse could do the deed, a sudden flash of light fills the room, blinding the nurse in the process as he ended up tripping over the bed.

And in an instant, the unconscious patient finds himself transported to a realm beyond mortal comprehension, leaving the bemused nurse standing in the empty hospital room, scratching his head in confusion.

"Well, I'll be darned. That's a new one. Guess I'll have to update my eviction tactics." The nurse added on, still not believing on what just happened.


"Wh-Where... am I?" The person asked, scared, as he looked at the place which was constantly changing colors in a rather slow motion.

"Why hello there! You are at a better place right now." The Omnipresent voice stated.

The person in question just kept hurdling more questions at the voice as he was trying to take into account on what just happened until he realized that his whole arm-wait no, his whole body was covered in black! He didnt feel or see his hair, shirt, pants, socks and his entire hospital gown that he was supposed to wear. All gone. Only to be replaced by a black outline while his whole self was covered in that same color.

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