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"I-" Jisung started, but he was interrupted by the bell signaling the start of classes. All students dispersed to their classes. The same applied to Minho, Hyunjin, and their friends.

"Come to the cafeteria! We'll be waiting," Felix shouted to him, and together with his friends, disappeared into the school entrance, leaving the blond boy alone.

Damn. What should I do?

It's your fault...

Shut up! At least give me some advice.

So should I shut up or give advice? If you had listened to me all along, you wouldn't be in this situation at all.


I thought so

Unbeknownst to Jisung, his legs led him directly to the classroom. He took a deep breath and entered with his head bowed. All eyes were on him as he was late, again.

With his head still bowed, he apologized and made his way to the same spot as the day before. The lesson continued, and the students turned their attention to the teacher's explanation. But not everyone. The blond boy still felt someone's gaze on him constantly.

With fear in his eyes, he turned around and looked around the classroom, constantly feeling the same gaze on him. He met with Hyunjin's eyes. His chocolate eyes were observing his every move, never letting him out of sight.

He's handsome, like a prince.

"Hwang, what's the answer to question number 5?" Mrs. Yang measured Hyunjin with her gaze."The result is 845.89," he smiled at her and then redirected his gaze to the blond boy sitting a few seats ahead of him.

And smart too.

With a sigh, he turned back, still feeling the intense gaze on his back.

Hyunjin couldn't tear his eyes away from the younger boy. The sight of the blond with a massy hair and seemingly oversized hoodie, which belonged to his lover, oddly appealed to him. He felt like he should protect Jisung, especially after calming the younger boy in their embrace.

How would he look in my hoodie?

He smiled at his thought and with a bitten lip, rested his head on his hand, still watching the blond boy.

How would he look in my hoodie, embraced by Minho?

He smiled to himself again and pulled out his phone, keeping it discreetly under the table so the teacher wouldn't see it. 'I might start enjoying physics class' he messaged Minho and tucked the phone back into his pocket.

The rest of the hour passed too quickly for Hyunjin's liking.

The school bell rang, signaling the lunch break. Students scattered like lightning to the cafeteria, eager to avoid the line for school food or the microwave, which was often crowded.

This moment was what Jisung feared the most. He still didn't know what to do, torn between trusting his inner voice and the desire to experience what it's like to have friends to enjoy lunch with.

But that wasn't his only problem. Not only was he afraid, but he also didn't have any lunch, no food to share with them. He had gotten used to not eating much lately, maybe just one meal a day. Sometimes not even that. The blond boy would love to eat properly and have his favorite cheesecake that his mom used to make, but he was forbidden from doing so.

As the entire class emptied out, Jisung packed up his few belongings and slowly got up from his chair.

This is going to be a long day...

It's your fault, darling.

With a small sigh, he made his way into the hallway, heading towards the stairs. He knew that the boy who had invited him to sit with them a few hours ago had probably forgotten, and with the arrival of the blond boy, he would just be laughed at. At least, that's what he thought.

His thoughts were interrupted by the ache in his back, a pain that seemed to radiate throughout his body.

Here we go again.


"But look who we have here?" echoed the familiar voice to Jisung. The bustling hallway fell silent a moment ago, and everyone turned their gaze to the blond boy on the ground.

"DRAMA~" one of the students shouted, and the rest burst into laughter, although not everyone.

The five standing boys, trying to get through the crowd of students, didn't look thrilled; quite the opposite, they were trying their best not to get into a fight.

"Hey! You dork!" Hyunjin shouted, his fist clenched. "What do you think you're doing, bullying the weaker ones?" He scowled disdainfully and shot him a glare. As soon as the others noticed Hyunjin and Minho, they chose the easiest plan: escape.

"Tss... I thought so," smirked the tall boy, and with a final glance at the fleeing bully, he turned his full attention to the blond boy.

"That's enough, ignore him, Sung! Let's go to lunch," Felix commanded with a smile, extending his hand to the blond boy, but he just sat there, oblivious to the world around him. "Sung?" Felix asked again, puzzled.

No one has called me Sung in so long...



"Uh... I'm sorry," Jisung finally blurted out.

"You don't have to apologize at all, Sungie," Felix smiled. "Let's go instead," he added, taking the blond boy's hand and leading him towards the cafeteria.

"This is going to be interesting," Hyunjin whispered to his lover, as they walked hand in hand behind the others.

All eyes were on Jisung. But who could blame them when an unfamiliar boy sat down at the table with the most well-known group in the entire school?

On the other side, the blond boy wasn't feeling pleasant at all. With all those eyes focused on him, he felt nauseous. Jisung hated attention, the only attention he didn't mind, but rather liked, was the attention of two unknown boys. But he wouldn't admit that to himself.

"Who the fuck is he?" and similar words echoed around the room. All he could do at that moment was to ignore everything.

Fear washed over him as everyone took out their home-prepared food and dove in with smiles on their faces. But this mood didn't last long. Everyone stopped as soon as they noticed the blond boy with empty hands.

"You don't have food with you, Swee-Jisung?" Minho's voice pierced through the stretching silence. The others watched as the addressed boy froze.

A/n: I will update more often! I won't swear, but I'll try! :3

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