Chapter 7

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(Just before we start, I just want to let you guys know that I'm skipping Reef Resort and Nature's Navel because I'm letting the story show the Friend Actions)

3rd Person POV
The group has made their way to the cold tundras of Echo's Edge. The icy hills are topped with blankets of snow, and inside those icicles were colorful crystals. (Y/N) started to hold herself and shiver, wishing that she should have brought something warm with her.

 (Y/N) started to hold herself and shiver, wishing that she should have brought something warm with her

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"Brrr... If only if I'd brought a jacket with me," She spoke before sneezing. Goh was having the same complaint as her. "Yeah... Me, too," he whined.

Kirby was a little worried about the two, so he decided to help them out. He went up to a Burning Leo and inhaled him to become Fire Kirby. He then went up to the others, hoping it would be enough to warm them up. And it worked spectacularly.


As they continued onwards, they befriended a Gim, a short mechanical creature wearing a purple cap and red shoes and carrying a yo-yo with him, and a Rocky, a stony rock creature.

Suddenly, they stopped in their tracks because of a door with a lock. It appears that it's in need of a key to be unlocked.

However, not only that, they also see anothe pedestal, which is the same pedestal as the one from Friendly Fields, but with a different pattern on it. It was a bridge.

"So, anybody know where the key to the door is?" Dedede asked. They all looked at each other until (Y/N) started to speak up.

"Hmm... Maybe the key will appear if the four of you guys get on the pedestal," she suggested. Kirby nodded and got on the pedestal.

"Poyo!" He said, signaling the others to get on. King Dedede, Gim, and Rocky all got on, and they all towered each other and flopped in the front to form a Friend Bridge for each edge of the cliffs.

Then, a Key Dee appeared, holding up a key, which seems to be the for the door. The Key Dee got on top of Kirby and the others, and walked on them to reach the door, and the door was unlocked.

The Key Dee disappeared, and the quartet got back on the pedestal. Goh was impressed by the predicament. So were Ash, Pikachu, and (Y/N). This was their chance to keep moving forward.

To be continued...

(I'm sorry it was so short)

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