Chapter 15

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(Y/N)'s POV
We're now on the next planet the Jamba Heart ran off to: Planet Misteen. Unlike the waters back in Dreamland, the beautiful waters that surround the shores are a beautiful greenish-blue color. It was almost as if I was walking in a dream.

Before I was able to get ready for a swim, Kirby stopped me and gave me some spare snorkeling goggles. Literally, everyone has them. Kirby really knows how to prepare. I admire that. Once we all put on our goggles, we jumped into the water for an underwater expedition.


We looked everywhere in the ocean. Unfortunately, nothing. Not a speck of darkness to be found here. So, we did a little bit of thinking, and I came to a suggestion.

"Say, what if the Jamba Heart ran off to the Moon, just like back on Planet Earthfall? After all, every planet has its moon," I said. They weren't expecting this from me, but they find it to be genius.

"The moon? That's it!" Goh exclaimed. "If we go to the moon like last time, we might be able to catch that Jamba Heart in no time." We all nodded headed to the road that leads us directly to the moon.


We made it all the way to the Moon. Once we kept searching across the moon. And there it was. The Jamba Heart, floating there. But, then again, it ran away once it noticed us.

Just before we were able to chase after it, two shiny animals came to stop us. It was that raccoon and fox again, except they're... gold and silver? Time for another battle!

3rd Person POV
They all tried to do the same things we did with Pon and Con back at Jambastion, but they were less prepared than they thought. Goldon and Silvox were faster than we anticipated, and the smaller ones were dropping even stronger bombs. (Y/N) realized that this was more difficult than they thought.

Suddenly, just before the big shiny animals were about to run into them like bulls, Eve's necklace started to glow again. Eve charged at them, and a blue light started to shine brightly, stunning Goldon and Silvox in the process.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden surprise, but they brushed it off, and started to attack, dealing the final blow on the radiant duo.

(Victory dance)

They then looked at the Jamba that was floating before them. It then started to make its own escape. They started to make haste to its next location. The chase is on!

To be continued...

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