Chapter 20

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(Y/N)'s POV
Here we are. Their new base. Judging by the fact that the Jamba Heart is run in here, I'm kinda guessing that they might be using it for something big. We head inside, hoping that we could get our answers and put an end to this madness once and for all.


We are now inside the halls of Jambastion's base. Jeez... How the heck are they going to keep all of this clean...?

"This place is huge," Ash commented.

"Pika," Pikachu said in agreement.

"Yes, but we must not let down our guard at this moment. There could be traps lurking in these walls," Meta Knight points out. Suddenly, some of the walls start to close in on us.

"Crepes! Run for it!" Eve shouted. We all started running as fast as we could before the walls were able to squish us. Just when we were about to give up, a large gap appeared before us. We raced towards it, and we all made it out of the death trap.

"Phew... Talk about close calls," Dedede commented.

"You're telling me," Eve said.

"Alright, everyone. Let's keep moving while trying to keep a close eye for any traps," I said, and we all kept moving deep inside the fortress.


3rd Person POV
Everyone made it to the heart of the main base. There, they saw a strange hooded figure who seems to be performing some kind of ritual.

"Do you think he's the cause of all the trouble?" Goh asked.

"It might be, but whatever it is, we have to stop it," (Y/N) said. Then, another voice rang out from the distance.

"I think not!" It said. Then, a familiar yellow mage stepped in their way. Zan Partizanne.

"You fools don't even know when to give up, do you?" She said. "I thought Jambastion's destruction must have crushed you all. It seems that I underestimated you."

"You!" (Y/N) said as she and the others armed themselves.

"I do not care if you are a child or not. I will not allow you fools to disrupt our glorious plans!" Zan shouted as she readied her weapon.

"Remember her fighting style, guys!" (Y/N) said. The others nodded as they noticed Zan starting to teleport. She got near Meta Knight, ready to strike him with a sneak attack, but Meta Knight dodged and strikes her with his sword.

"Wretched vermin!" Zan growled as she was about to attack with her lighting spear. However, Pikachu and Dedede saw an opening and started to attack with a hammer and Iron Tail. Then, Eve, who is now in her human form, and (Y/N) started to attack with their Star Bubbles.

"I won't allow this! Not ever!!" She shouted. Then, she summoned Raijin drums behind her back. She then floated up to the air and was about to throw her powered up spear at everyone.

They all moved out of the way, both below her and above, before she was able to strike. She then threw her spear, which created a strong stream of lighting. (Y/N) saw an opening and launched a Star Bubble at Zan, stunning her in the process and making the lightning stream disappear.

"Here's our chance! Let's get her!" Ash shouted. They all started to let out a flurry of attacks at her, launching her near the hooded figure. The hooded figure then notices this and slowly walks down the stairs. He then looks down at an unconscious Zan.

"You. You seem to be in my way," he said before knocking Zan out of his way.

"Who the heck is that?" Goh asked.

"I don't know..." (Y/N) said.

To be continued...

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