Chapter III: Charms And Transfiguration

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[The Skit I made makes me laugh. Poor Dray, Harry is a nerd..! :)]

Harry got dressed quickly and ended up being one of the first ones in the great hall. Harry wasn't bothered by it since it meant quiet. Harry looked around the hall when he heard someone sit next to him. He assumed it was Draco. He was right. "I was wondering where you went." Draco said and Harry looked over.

"Woke up early." Harry responded and shrugged. "And how early is early?"

"3 ish." Draco stared and groaned. "Why the hell were you awake at 3 in the morning." Harry shrugged. "Dunno." Draco gave him a look. Harry did know why. He just didn't want to explain. While waiting for the breakfast to start, Harry and Draco talked. More Draco talked and Harry listened to him.

When Pansy and Blaise got there they sat in front of Harry and Draco, two others also sat nearby, they didn't seem to like him. Harry could tell. It made him uncomfortable so he looked away from the two boys. "So, what class does everyone have first?" Pansy asked. "Not sure actually, I'll have to check." Draco said and Blaise nodded in agreement.

"Charms, then I have transfiguration." Harry responded. He knew most of his schedule from memory. Pansy stared at him. "How do you remember that- I haven't even checked mine." She asked and Harry shrugged. "Wanted to be ready I guess." He said. Pansy smiled. "Least one of us are a nerd." Draco teased and Harry looked over.

"I don't know whether that's a compliment or an insult."


Harry nodded and smiled. He was glad to have friends. Halfway through breakfast, which Harry didn't eat to much, he usually didn't. Harry fell asleep. Draco woke him up when breakfast ended.

"You sure you're okay?" Draco asked while the two walked to Charms class, they figured out that they had the same class, which Harry was very thankful for. He doesn't like to socialize. When they got in the class Harry and Draco sat next to each other. Infront of them were two boys, Seamus and Neville from what Harry could remember.

Behind them were a red-head with light blue eyes, and a girl with curly brown hair and her eyes about the same color, he didnt know the names of these two. He couldn't remember.

All of them were in Gryffindor, and Harry didn't like the look he was getting from the red-head boy. Harry turned around and looked up at the teacher, Professor Filtwick. He was talking about a levitation spell. Harry remembered reading a bit about it.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Professor Filtwick said and floated the feather on his desk, Harry looked at the feather in front of him. "You all try." Professor Filtwick said and Harry pulled out his wand. "This is useless, why would we need to levitate things?" Draco complained.


Harry hit him in the elbow.


Draco hissed like a cat and Harry had to bite his tongue so he wouldn't start.  laughing. Harry pulled out Draco's wand and put it on the table. "Try it." Harry said ad Draco glared. From behind him Harry heard the red-head and the brown haired girl talking. "It's leviOsa, not leviosA." She said to him with an annoyed tone.

"Well you do it if you're so smart!" The read-head retorted back and Harry watched her float her feather easily. "Good job! Miss Grangers done it!" Professor Filtwick said, grinning. Granger smiled. "See Weasley, you need to mean it." Granger whispered back to the read-head. Harry looked back to Draco, he didn't seem to be doing to well. But he also looked bored.

Harry decided to try and see if he could. Before he did he heard an explosion infront of him, he flinched at the sound and saw the Seamus kid had somehow blown up his feather. "Oh dear... here's another feather." Professor Filtwick said and floated another feather onto the desk. Draco looked like he was gonna laugh and Harry was tempted to hit him in the elbow again.

Harry shrugged it off and picked up his wand. "Wingardium Leviosa." He whispered under his breath while doing the movements he was supposed to do. The feather floated up with his wand and Harry grinned.

"Looks like Mr Potter has done it as well, well done Mr Potter." Professor Filtwick said. Harry nervously smiled and let the feather come back down onto his desk. Harry looked over to Draco who was staring in astonishment at Harry. "I am so proud of you right now Harry." Draco said and Harry smiled slightly. "You need any help?" Harry asked him and Draco nodded.

"Pretty sure I'm not doing the movements or something correct." He admitted, though he looked very reluctant to do so. Harry grabbed Draco's wand hand softly. "I can guide you." Harry said and smiled. Draco blinked in silence at Harry before nodding. "Wingardium Leviosa." Draco said and Harry helped him with his hand movements, it worked and Harry let go.

"Go ahead on your own now! You were only messing up the flick, it goes swish and flick." Harry made the movements while speaking. Next Draco tried again, and sure enough, he got it too. Lots of people had gotten it now, but not everyone. "Congrats to everyone who succeeded, anyone who was not able to do it we will pick up tomorrow!" Professor Filtwick said, grinning widely. Everyone filed out quickly. 

"What do you have next?" Harry asked Draco. Draco pulled out his schedule. "Defense against the dark arts, though I doubt were gonna learn anything with how cowardly our Professor is." Draco said and Harry glared. "1, stop being so mean! 2, I have transfiguration." Harry said the second part nervously. He didn't wanna be alone.

Draco seemed to read his mind. "Don't worry Harry, I'm pretty sure we have the next class together." Harry nodded. "Thanks Draco."

"No problem, see you later." Draco waved while walking away, so did Harry for a bit before turning around towards the hall. If he remembered correctly, Professor McGonagall was the one who had called out the names the day before.

Harry walked into the room and sat down next to the Red-head from before, Granger called him Weasley. Harry felt kinda uncomfortable without anyone of his friends. Well he hoped they were his friends. He’s never had friends before so he had no idea. Pushing the thought away Harry pulled his wand out of his pocket and placed it on the desk.

"Good morning everyone." Professor McGonagall said from behind Harry, Harry turned around to see her walk into the room. "Welcome to transfiguration, this class will not be easy for first years, but I expect you to all do your best." Harry listened to her explain what they were doing. They were supposed to transfigure an animal or something into a pincushion.

(Am I right about that? I've read all the books just can't remember the first class. Like did the cat thing happen? If It did I'll probably change this part.)
Continuing on

The class went alright. It took Harry about 3 tries to transfigure his animal but he was still able to. Him and Granger were the first ones to do it again. He didn't know how to feel about it. He had done it before her this time. He earned his house 5 points so he felt pretty happy about that.

Weasley still didn't seem to like him. Harry didn't know if it was something he did or what? According to Draco, his parents were in Gryffindor so he should've been, but he wasn't. Harry assumed that was why. Or that Weasley just didn't like slytherins. Harry shook off the thought and opened his notebook. He started to draw in it using his quill.

He'd gotten pretty good at drawing because it was something he did to pass the time in his tiny cupboard at the dursleys. When class finally ended Harry was thankful, he didn't know how much longer he was gonna be able to sit next to Weasley, he still didn't like the look he kept giving him, it was like the one his uncle gave him all the time. Harry shivered at that thought, putting his wand in his pocket.

Hopefully next class would be better...

Sooo 3 chapter now, shookith meh, I honestly am enjoying this, trying not to have like cliffhangers but I just gave u one! Lol.

Q1: slytherin or Gryffindor
Q2: red or blue.

One day I will start an argument with these questions and I will have no regrets.

Word Count: 1455

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