Chapter IV: Brooms And Quidditch

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Next chapter y'all, enjoy! I really hope the little skits I'm putting aren't cringe or whatever, cause if so I'm probably gonna stop putting them up lol...

Harry was very glad when he met back up with Draco before the next class they had. It felt good to be with a friend. "I learned nothing at all, that class was useless!" Draco complained while they walked. Harry sighed. "Well, I got us some points." Harry commented and Draco grinned. "Nice!"

"Also I don't think the Weasley kid liked me to much." Harry continued and Draco rolled his eyes. "Ignore him, he's a prat."

"We have class with him again, please don't be rude."

"Fine, only cause you said so." Harry smiled. "C'mon, should be this way." Harry took a left and Draco followed him. When they got outside Harry looked confused at the brooms on the ground. Draco stood next to one and Harry followed, he was next to Draco on his right and the Weasley boy on his left. "Today you will be learning how to summon and mount your brooms, no flying yet." Madame Hooch explained and Harry looked back at the broom.

"Hold your hand above the broom and say up, show you're in charge, but don't be too forceful." She explained and there was a series of people sayin "Up!" Harry was one of them, his broom flew up into his hand and Harry smiled. He looked over to Draco and saw his had done the same. He looked over and saw the Weasley boy's had not, same for the brown haired girl, who looked puzzled that hers hadn't.

"Up!" The Weasley boy said with an annoyed tone and the broom flew up, but instead of into his hand it hit him in the face the went back down. Draco snickered at it and Harry glared at him to shut up. He did. "You alright?" Harry asked him and Weasley stared at him. "Fine." He grumbled and Harry smiled.

"You said it to forceful, you need to be calm but in charge." Harry explained slowly. The boy didn't seem to happy that he was correcting him. "Quit acting like you know everything!" The boy growled and Harry was silent for a bit. "I'm not..." Harry said softly, still taken aback by the boys tone. "Now mount your brooms." Madame Hooch said, taking the boys attention off of each other.

Harry mounted his like Draco, who mounted his correctly, many others did too, but some had to be corrected. Harry stole one last glance at the Weasley boy then looked back to Madame Hooch, who had walked back to the front. "Now softly kick off the ground and float there." She said and Harry followed, his feet barely off the ground. He had to keep his hands from shaking.

He smiled but stopped and almost fell off his own broom when he heard a yell. "NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM, GET DOWN HERE!" Madame Hooch yelled out and Harry saw a brown haired boy flying in the air. Harry stared in shock, his broom was jearking around, it was obvious he had no control.

"I-I CAN'T!" The boy yelled back. He was thrown off his broom seconds later, getting thrown to the wall. The back of his robe getting stuck on some type of candlestick for a second before falling to the ground and yelping out. Harry ran over, ignoring Madame Hooch telling him to get back. He didn't touch Neville but helped him sit up. He had a broken wrist, Harry could tell by how it looked. Madame Hooch came over.

"Mister Potter, I said not to come." Madame Hooch said sternly and Harry nodded nervously. "Sorry Professor, I panicked..." Harry said quietly and went back to checking on Neville. He wasn't hurt anywhere else, maybe a sprained ankle but that was it. Harry looked up to Madame Hooch and moved away. "He has a broken wrist, and he may have a sprained ankle." Harry told her and Madame Hooch nodded.

"C'mon, let's get you to Madame Pomfrey." Madame Hooch said to Neville and picked him up, a small whimper escaping his mouth. "Nobody do anything! And if I see a single broom in the air you will all get detention!" Madame Hooch threatened and she walked off with Neville. Harry stood up and watched them walk off before moving back to where Draco was, or kind of was, he was surrounded by people, the two boys from breakfast in the front.

Harry couldn't see what was going on until the two boys flew into the air, ignoring whatever Draco seemed to be yelling at them. Harry walked over quickly and looked up. "What are they doing?" Harry whispered aggressively to Draco who groaned. "Crabbe and Goyle took one of Longbottom's thing and won't give it back." Draco explained.

Harry looked up and saw them throwing some type of ball, around. Against his better judgment, and Draco, and the Granger girl, Harry walked over to his broom and kicked off to the two. "What an idiot." He heard Granger say when he kicked off. "Give it here!" Harry said and the two laughed at him. "You want it little potter?" The bigger one, Harry assumed that was Goyle said to him. Harry hated what he called him.

"Go get it!" Goyle yelled and threw the ball. Harry stared for a second before flying after it, diving down to catch it. Harry saw the ground coming and knew he had two choices, let it fall and pull up, or try to grab it and risk slamming into the ground. Harry chose the second one and continued going down. He gripped th ball in his right hand and pulled up last second.

Harry sat there for a second before getting off the broom and sighing in relief, not noticing the window next to him. He looked at the ball in his right hand, he had no clue what it was but he assumed it was important to Neville. Harry walked over to the other with the broom in his left hand and the ball it his right. He dropped the broom and held the ball. Harry walked infront of Draco and crossed his arms, the ball in the middle.

Draco looked like he was about to slap him. "Are.You.MENTAL!" He yelled at Harry, Harry felt a small smile form. He saw Granger and Weasley standing behind Draco and Harry walked over to Weasley. "Please make sure this gets to Neville, Weasley, I'm not in his house." Harry said and put put the hand with the ball in it. Weasley stood there for a second before taking it. "Uhm... Thank you." He said nervously and turned to walk off. The Granger girl rolled her eyes at the boy before following, waving to Harry as she walked off.

Harry waved back and turned to Draco, who was still looking at Harry like he was an idiot. Harry smiled nervously. "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Harry heard Professor McGonagall yell and he turned around. "My office, now." She demanded and Harry nodded and started walking over.  "Only Mister Potter." Professor McGonagall said and Harry turned around to see Draco had tried to follow him. He saw Draco scoff and turn around.

Harry followed McGonagall nervously, messing with his hands while they walked. Was he gonna get in trouble? Was  he gonna get set home? He hoped not. Uncle Vernon was already pissed at Harry for Hagrid, he could only imagine how he would feel to have him back on the first day of school. "Sit." Professor McGonagall said, snapping Harry out of his thoughts. Harry sat down quietly.

"Do you know why you are here?" She asked, Harry looked up and nodded. "Good, now you are not my student so I cannot punish you the way I should, so I will have to get Snape. But you may not be punished. I will talk to Snape." Harry nodded. He'd only met Snape once but he seemed to hate him.

McGonagall walked out leaving Harry to his thoughts. What did she mean by he may not get punished? He broke the rules so that meant he was punished. That's what he knew. After about 5 minutes McGonagall and Snape walked in. Harry was ready for the worst. "Me and Minerva talked Potter and have decided on what will happen." Snape said coldly and Harry nodded. It felt like his voice was just gone. "Now against what I'd like to do, if you chose, you will be the quidditch seeker." Harry blinked. The what?

"Just know you will not be getting off easy for any more mess ups, do you understand?" Snape finished and Harry nodded once again. He would ask Draco what the seeker was, and what quidditch was. "Dissmised." Snape said and walked out. Harry stood frozen for a little before following, going to his next class, which he didn't have with Draco. He'd ask him during potions. Hopefully Snape wasn't to hard on him.

This is long, wow... I'm proud of my descriptions of stuff that happened honestly. 4 chapters! Honestly I made these days before I actually posted them so that's why your getting many chapters lol.

Q1: Supernatural or Grimm?
Q2: Fortnight or Roblox?
(If you don't know these shows or games that's cool.)

Word Count: 1566

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