Chapter V: Drawing Reveal.

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Harry agreed with Draco kinda, Defense against the dark arts wasn't really a class. Professor Quirell didn't seem to want to teach, at all. Herbology was nice though. He had a good amount of fun in it. Even though it was hard for Draco. Harry was used to yard work and this wasn't any different. Harry had forgotten to ask about the Quidditch thing so he knew he would when he got in the class, he'd stayed back a bit to help clean up so the three went ahead to grab seats.

Harry's mind wandered to the thing that Hagrid pulled out of the vault the day before while he walked to the classroom. What was it? Harry wanted to know but at the same time didn't. When Harry got into the class he saw Draco, who waved him over. Pansy and Blaise sat in front of them. The two both looked back and gave Harry a smile. Harry smiled back at his friends and pulled out his potions stuff. Snape wasn't in the room at the moment and Harry was confused.

"So, are you alright?" Draco asked and it took Harry a second to realize what he meant. "Oh uh, Professor Snape came in and said I'm the quidditch seeker now? What is that? Is that a punishment?" Harry explained and asked. Draco stared before smiling. "That is definitely not a punishment, I can't believe it!" Draco seemed excited and that calmed Harry down. "What is it then?" Draco grinned bigger than he already was, which was a feat in on itself.

"Quidittch is a wizard sport! You'll get a better explanation on your first practice but it is not a punishment, that's for sure!" He explained and Harry smiled. "Wow." He said and saw Pansy and Blaise seemed excited as well. Harry was glad that it wasn't a punishment honestly. And he was glad to still be here. "I'm so proud of you right now, I saw you fly but wow." Draco said and Harry laughed.

"Who am I practicing with?" Harry asked and Draco was silent for a bit. "Marcus Flint I think. He should be the Quidditch captain right now." Harry nodded. "Who do we play against?" Pansy grinned at that. She had a mysterious but sly look on her face. "The other houses." She said. Harry hummed. He would be against other kids like him. Just... Older. Much older. To say he was nervous was a understatement.

"I'm supposed to meet him tomorrow at 6:30pm." Harry said and sighed. "Dunno know how I'm supposed to fly at the games with no broom, the training ones are slow as hell." Draco hummed and looked down before grinning. "Oh don't worry about that, I've got you covered." Draco said mischievously. Harry tilted his head to the side. Pansy and Blaise seemed to know what he meant by that and were also grinning. What did he mean by 'He's got it covered?' 1st years aren't allowed their own brooms.

Harry shook it off just as the door opened and Snape walked in. He closed every one of the blinds on the windows and the classroom was dark. Harry didn't like that, it reminded him of the dursleys and he subconsciously gripped Draco's arm, he hadn't even realized he'd done it until Snape cast some spell and the room got bright again.

"Harry?" Draco whispered and Harry looked over, noticing his hand and letting go. "Sorry." He whispered back and looked to the front of the room, ignoringthe worried look his friendwas giving him.

The whole class had been spend making one potion, which Draco was actually very good at. Harry read the instructions and pointed out the ingredients while Draco put it in the cauldron. Snape also seemed to enjoy picking on Harry and seemed very annoyed when Harry would actually get the question right, which was majority of the time.

Either way the class wasn't too bad. He felt pretty bad for the Gryffindors. Snape seemed to hate them more than he hated Harry, which was saying something. Harry thought back to Neville while he was drawing to pass time, Draco was talking to Pansy and Blaise, who were also done with their potion.

Was Neville alright? Harry looked back to his drawing. Maybe he could draw Neville. He seemed good at plants when they were in herbology. Harry started to draw Neville holding a plant in his hands. Maybe he could give Neville the drawing. Probably not, he would be to scared to go near Neville with even the intent to give it to him.

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