Chapter VI: Practice Makes Perfect

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Harry got changed quickly in the bathroom, he didn't want them to see him without his clothes on for... reasons. Harry walked back out and went into the common room to wait for Draco and Blaise. After a minute Blaise walked out and sat down next to Harry, who smiled. "Dray said to meet him there." Blaise told him and Harry nodded.

Harry followed as Blaise walked, looking around. Curfew was at 9:00 if he remembered correctly. So they had 2 hours to do whatever they were doing. When they got in Harry looked around the place. It looked kinda like a muggle gym, but most stuff was just floating in place. So it was still very different.

"Welcome my child." Pansy said and it took Harry a second to realize she was talking to him. "Hi?" He said nervously. "Where's Dray?" Pansy asked Blaise and he shrugged. "No clue. Just said to meet him here." He responded and Pansy blinked before shrugging aswell. "Meh." She looked back to Harry.

"Today I shall teach you to be awesome like me!" Pansy said and grinned. Blaise rolled his eyes at her. "You're teaching him to defend himself you dolt." Blaise commented, only to be ignored. Pansy walked off and pulled out some type of dummy. When she brought it out it changed from blank to looking kinda like a woman. If that woman had no face and was all white.

Harry gave Pansy a look and she walked over, grabbing his arm and dragging him infront of the dummy. Harry personally did not like how realistic it looked. Kinda like the display mannequins in muggle clothing stores. "Where did you get this Pans'?" Baise asked and she shrugged. "It's the room of requirement, it was just there." Pansy said and smiled.

"Go ahead and hit it Hare." She said and Harry didn't respond. He didn't exactly know how to so he just didn't move. "I uh- don't know how to punch correctly." Harry said nervously. Pansy gave him a look. "The hell those muggles teaching you? How to be boring?" Pansy joked. Her face softened when Harry didn't respond, suddenly becoming very interested in his feet.

Pansy walked over. "How about I help you out?" She asked and Harry looked up, he felt his mood lift and he nodded eagerly. She walked behind Harry and pulled something out of the bag she'd brought. Harry looked confused until she grabbed his hair softly and put it up in a ponytail. Harry stared. "I could've done that myself y'know." Harry said and Pansy rolled her eyes.

"Oh shush." She responded and walked back in front of Harry. Blaise walked over to the dummy woman and leaned against it. The thing didn't move from his weight shockingly enough. Pansy smiled and looked over to Harry. "Follow my moves alright?" Harry nodded.

Pansy got in a fighting posture and Harry followed as well as he could. He was doing pretty well until when he was supposed to kick, he tried it and ended up falling forward. Pansy helped him up and smiled. Harry groaned and laid back down even though he'd just gotten up. There was no way he was gonna be able to do this. Not with how goddamn skinny he was.

"Don't pout Hare, remember, practice makes perfect!" She exclaimed andput her hand back out. Harry smiled a little at how excited she was and how confident. He could never be as confident as she was. He took her hand and stood back up, following in the exact movements that she did, he still fell a couple more times but he eventually was able to get it.

Once he did he punched his fist in the air happily. He'd done it! Pansy gave the boy a high-five and Harry hugged her. "Thank you Pansy!" He said and she grinned. "No problem Hare, and you can call me Pans'." She responded and Harry let go, smiling huge. He nodded and saw Blaise smiling as well. Harry looked around and saw Draco wasn't there still. He was confused.

"Where's Draco? I thought he'd be here by now?" Harry asked and as if on que Draco walked into the room, looking around. "Oh, speak of the devil!" Harry said and everyone gave him a look. "What-" Pansy said confused and Harry blinked, remembering they weren't raised by muggles.

"Sorry, muggle saying." Draco nodded. "What were you even doing Dray, it's been maybe an hour." Pansy asked and Harry was surprised. An hour already passed? It had only felt like a couple of minutes. Wow. Draco had a mischievous look on his face. "I'll tell you later, don't wanna ruin the surprise." Draco looked at Harry when he said that.

"I'm confused." Harry deadpanned and Draco broke out laughing. Harry stared. Pansy was grinning. "I think I know what you did." She said and Blaise groaned. "You all better tell me later." Draco nodded. "Don't worry Blaise, we'll tell you." Harry rolled his eyes. What did he mean by surprise?

"I hate surprises..." Harry whispered and sighed. Blaise shrugged. "Let's go back to the dorms, we'll tell you what happened in here Dray." He said and Draco nodded. "Sounds good." Draco responded and looked to Harry, who was taking his hair out of the small ponytail it was in.

Harry gave Pansy the hair tie and smiled. "Thanks Pansy." He said and Pansy glared playfully, grabbing the hair tie. "Pans'." She said and walked off. Harry laughed a little and followed her, Blaise and Draco coming afterwards. It was the second day being here, and the first day of school, and Harry was already loving it. He was especially excited for tomorrow. He had his first quidditch practice.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.

This is a shorter chapter lol, but I'm not mad. Can anyone guess what Draco was doing? I wanna see what you guys say cause yes.

Q1: Harry Potter Or Spider-Man?
Q2: Coke Or Pepsi.

Word Count: 1026

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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