Chapter Four

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There was dead silence on the patio throughout the entire show. Even during the commercials, no one spoke. Once, Wensh turned to look at Mika with an odd expression, but she did not say anything. Mika sat quietly, her hamburger forgotten on the plate, and watched herself make the attempt to cut Vic Galang into ribbons. It was not a very flattering picture of her, she decided.

Even more irritating was the fact that Kim Fajardo had not edit the last remark, when Vic Galang had invited her to dinner to discuss the matter. She came out looking like a real fool, she thought morosely.

When the end credits started to roll, the group on the patio turned to stare at her. "My God, Mika...", one of them said. Kiefer was looking at her with horror. Two furrows cut deeply between Wensh eyes as she studied her godsister.

Manuel Reyes' deep voice cut through the murmurs. "Mika, I had no idea, when you talked to me about this project, that you felt so strongly. You ate so much chocolate as a kid that I thought you would be delighted to have a plant right here where it was handy..."

"Stop trying to turn it into a joke, Dad," she said. "You know it has got nothing to do with chocolate. It would not matter to me what they are producing..."

"I can see that." One of the members of the City Council said. "Why are you so determined to destroy Vic Galang?"

"I am not!" Mika denied hotly. "It is nothing personal."

"Well, that is a relief." Said a husky voice over her shoulder.

She shivered a little. So Vic Galang had come to watch the show anyway, had she? Or had she only arrived for the aftermath to see what sort of reaction she got from this crowd? Mika did not care. She did not mind defending her feelings to her face. "It is just that I have seen this sort of project before. All of you have, and right here in Dumaguete. It is easy to make promises... but it is hard to keep them. Why should we trust her word? What guarantee do we have that she has Dumaguete's best interests at heart? I'm not exactly against the project..."

"You certainly do a good imitation of it." Vic Galang said smoothly.

Mika jumped up, anxious to get away from her. "I think you are all like a bunch of sheep being led to the slaughter... not asking where you are going."

"Mika!" Her father warned. "You are wording this a bit strongly."

"Look, Dad. I don't like being the one who is throwing cold water on the idea. But somebody has to ask the unpopular questions. Has anyone here stopped to figure out what is going to happen to property taxes if Miss Galang here welshes on her agreement? I can multiply... I figure it will cost every homeowner in this town threefold of what they are paying now just to pay the interest on the money we are going to borrow to build that plant. Does that bother anyone of you at all?"

There were a few murmurs and a couple of raised eyebrows. Mika was encouraged... at least they heard her.

"If I make one person here think hard enough to start asking tough questions,  then I have accomplished my purpose." She said stiffly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I am sure you would rather carry on the discussion without my presence." She went into the house and did not stop until she reached the quiet warmth of the long narrow conservatory that hugged one wall of the formal living room. She sank into a porch swing and put her hands to her hot cheeks.

"Typical!" She said. "The first impulse of the crowd when they get news they don't like is to kill the messenger."

She had done what she could... and she would keep on doing it too, she decided, no matter who was displeased. She would keep asking those tough questions and challenge those easy promises until she accomplish her purpose or go down to glorious defeat. Even if the worse happen... if the City Council agreed to the plan, build the building, spend the money, and Galang Confectioners move again and leave bills behind--- "At least they can't say they were not warned."  She said aloud.

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