Chapter Nineteen

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Vic's hold on her hand loosened. Mika stepped away from the CEO and stopped short, as though drawn up by a leash. Pain was shooting through her scalp. For a moment, she did not even know what had happened--- her whole body hurt, as if she had been beaten, and the soreness in her scalp was mild by contrast.

"Hold on. You've got a lock of hair wound around my watch band", Vic said sounding a little breathless.

Mika shifted impatiently from one foot to the other while the other woman untangled the black-brown strands, too much aware of the touch of his fingers to stand still. She kept her head bent so that she did not have to look at that circle of astonished faces. If she doesn't look at them, maybe it won't have happened. If I explain to them that it was an accident, perhaps they won't tell a soul...

But she knew better. There would be no rescue from the consequences because this was a too good story for everyone to keep secret. This time, she is aware, her luck had run out.

Oh, God! When the rumor-mongers get hold of this scoop, they are going to have a wonderful time! The story of Mika Reyes and Vic Galang being caught kissing in the Mayor's office would fly, and probably grow larger as it was retold. She did not even want to think how tall and farfetched the tale might get.

Mika thought of Kiefer who was coming home that day with a sickening thud at the pit of her stomach. She still had to tell him. She must get to him, and explain it to him, before the Mayor's office kiss story reached him. She owed it to him to hurt him as little as possible...

Since it was impossible to deny what had transpired--- the six astounded men did, after all, know what they have seen--- and there was no possible way to explain it, she might as well take a leaf out of her father's instruction manual and act as a good politician would. If she would pretend that the incident was not that important, they might believe that it wasn't. Compose yourself, Mika.  Act professional!  If she does act normal, it would take their minds off what they have seen.

"Do you have an announcement to make?" she asked her father. She could see Vic from the corner of her eye. She thought she saw a flicker of surprise across her face.

Mayor Manuel Reyes shifted uneasily. "We are going to call a press conference in an hour or two. Until then, Mika, I simply cannot give you anything..."

"You can't stop me from speculating about what went on in the meeting."

The Mayor sighed. "I see, I am talking to the reporter again, and not my daughter."

"Dad, you know I'll go to any lengths to get the story." Her voice held a tinge of bitterness, and she looked at Vic as she went on. "No matter what it takes. Be sure to call me about the press conference." She picked up her handbag.

Her father said quietly, "It took a little longer than expected, Vic. Sorry about the delay." His eyes followed Mika to the door. "Don't mind her. She gets this way sometimes when she is chasing a story. It is the only thing that matters."

Mika did not turn around. She squared her shoulders. It was better this way, she told herself, than if her father suspected the truth.

"Mika..." Vic followed her into the hallway. "Give me a minute with them, and then I will come with you, and we'll get this straightened out."

She frowned, puzzled. "And just where do you think I'm going?"

"To talk to Kiefer, of course."

She shivered a little at the idea. It would be hard enough to do it by herself, but to have Vic there... "I don't need your help."

"I want to be there with you." Vic put out a gentle hand to touch the tumbled hair.

She jerked away. "Haven't you done enough damage? Or do you just want a ringside seat, so that you can enjoy watching the results of all the hard work you have done to mess up my life?" she snapped.

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