2. Unknown Feeling

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When morning came, Uzi slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was N sleeping, cuddling up to the Teto plush. Surprised, she immediately rose to a sitting position, looking around confused.

U: What's going on...

She scratched her head, realizing she wasn't wearing her black beanie. She looked around the room and saw her beanie on the nightstand. She picked up the blanket and lowered it with relief. Uzi thought N had undressed her, but luckily that wasn't the case.

Uzi even looked at the sweetly sleeping N and smiled. She reflexively smoothed his fluffy, blonde hair and got up from the bed, avoiding N. She went to the closet, took a black T-shirt with the slipknot logo, torn baggy jeans and went into the bathroom to wash herself.

While Uzi was taking a bath, N woke up and looked around. He put Teto's plush aside and sat down at the end of the bed. N rubbed his eyes and looked at the bathroom door where he could hear the sound of the shower. N stood up and went to the mirror. His hair was really messy so he tried to tame it with his hands.

While N was fixing his hair, Uzi suddenly came out of the bathroom wearing the clothes she had chosen earlier, with wet brown-purple hair, her bangs covering her eye. N looked at her in the mirror and smiled slightly at the sight of the dark-skinned beauty.

U: N-N...

N: Hello Uzi!

U: Shut up..

Uzi slapped N's back and went to the nightstand, looking for a hair dryer.

N: Ow..

N looked at the shorter girl and smiled at the sight of her. He sat on the bed and looked at her.

U: What are you looking at?

N: Uh... N-nothing!

Uzi snorted and grabbed the hair dryer. She went to the mirror and started drying her hair. N started to say something, but nothing could be heard over the loud sounds of the dryer. N stood up and stood behind Uzi. In this way, their large difference in height was visible.

Uzi raised her voice slightly so that N could hear her.

U: What do you want, weirdo?

N: You are so short, hehe ^^

N patted her still wet head

Uzi responded by blowing a hairdryer into N's face, making him grimace and move away.

U: Bite me!

After a while, Uzi's hair was dry. Arranging her hair, she held out her hand to N.

N: Hm?

N grabbed her hand. Uzi, shocked and blushing, took her hand back.

U: N-no! Give me my beanie!! Dummy...

N: Oooh!

N laughed awkwardly and handed the Uzi to her beanie. Uzi quickly took the beanie from him and put it on.

U: Done.

N: Good!

U: Shut up.

N: Oh :C

Uzi headed towards the exit and turned to N.

U: Come on, idiot. I won't leave you in my room.

N: R-right!

N quickly joined Uzi and they headed towards the exit. On the way, she picked up her jacket and put it on.

N: You don't eat breakfast?

U: I'll eat at school. And you?

N: I'll eat at home...

Uzi smiled gently and opened the front door. They went out together and she looked at him.

U: O-Okay, I'm going to school now...

N: D-don't you want to talk about last night?

Uzi widened her eyes and blushed.

U: W-what do you mean last night?! Did we do s-something?!

N looked at Uzi confused. "What did she mean by something..."

N: I carried you to the room and you pulled me and forced me to sleep with you...

Uzi looked away and blushed deeply. After a while, she hit N's shoulder and headed towards the bus stop.

N: See you later Uzi!!


N, looking at Uzi as she left, waved her goodbye.

N: Okay.. I have to go home and explain to V why I was gone.. I hope she won't think of something else....

N headed towards the road to his, V and J's house, which was quite close to Uzi's house, so he should get there quite quickly.

In Uzi's school

When Uzi got to school, she couldn't stop thinking about the night she spent with N. Her face was still red and downcast. "N slept next to me, in my small bed... and he still said that I dragged him to the bed. God, what a shame..."

Uzi opened her locker and took out her backpack. She always said she didn't want to carry her backpack every day, so she put it in the locker. The cabinet is large enough to accommodate a backpack and books. Uzi's locker was covered with various stickers, similar to those on her bedroom door, so it was easy to spot.

T: Hi Uzi!

U: JESUS! You scared me Thad!

T: Sorry, I didn't wanted to!

Uzi put her backpack on her back and closed the locker. She took deep breaths to forget about the blonde for a moment.

U: Oh, you have new hair. - She looked at Thad's light brown hair.

T: You noticed! I'm impressed, Uzi.

Uzi rolled her eyes and stared at Thad's hair. "I wonder what he would look like with fluffy, pretty, blond hair like N..."

When she realized that she was still thinking about N, she quickly recovered and slapped her cheek.

T: Uh.. are you okay?..

U: What? Yeah, why do you ask?

T: You just slapped yourself...

U: I-I... Bite me!

Uzi quickly ran back to the classroom and sat down in her seat.

"I have to stop thinking about N..."

At N's, V's, J's house

When N arrived home, he was greeted by a grumpy V.

N: Oh!! H-hi V!

V: Where the fuck have you been!?

N, surprised by V's reaction, took a step back.

N: W-wow V.. I-I was at Uzi's house...

V went from being grumpy to angry.

V: And what the fuck were you doing there?!

N: S-sleeping...

V walked closer to N and stood on her tiptoes to look into his eyes.

V: I've had enough of you. Get out of my face. Don't even talk to me or look at me at school. GO AWAY!!

After these words, he was shocked and ran to his room and locked himself there. N, V and J went to a different school than Uzi, so they didn't start until 10 a.m., while Uzi started at 8:30.

N: Have I done something wrong?...I didn't want V to get angry..

N sat down on the bed resignedly and took out his phone. N unlocked it and saw over 50 missed calls from V and 5 from J. He got sad and turned on the messages. He had over 200 unread messages from V, but he decided to ignore them, he was already sad.

 N opened the messages on Uzi and, looking at her profile icon, he smiled. N wrote a message to Uzi saying: "Did you get to school safely? ^^"

Uzi automatically took out her phone and when she saw N's message, she smiled and was about to reply, but something stopped her.

"Why am I so happy about his message..."

Resigned, she put the phone on the bench and lay down on it.

U: Why does he make me feel... weird?

"This unknown feeling is killing me..."

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