6- Commitment Issues

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The fancy restaurant exuded an atmosphere of elegance and intimacy as Tara and Amber occupied a cozy corner table. Soft, warm lighting cast a gentle glow around them, creating an ambiance perfect for their romantic date night. Laughter flowed effortlessly between them, accompanied by the clinking of wine glasses as they shared their joy.

Amber let out a contented sigh, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "This was such a wonderful idea," she remarked, her voice laced with genuine delight. "We really needed a night like this, just for us."

Tara's smile widened as she soaked in the moment, appreciating the connection they shared. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," she replied, her voice filled with affection.

In a tender gesture, Tara reached across the table, her hand seeking Amber's. Their fingers intertwined, their touch a testament to the depth of their bond. But then, an air of seriousness settled upon Tara, causing her smile to fade, and she took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts.

"Amber, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately," Tara confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and determination. "About the future."

Amber's curiosity was piqued, and a small smile played at the corners of her lips. "Oh yeah? Do tell," she encouraged, her eyes fixed on Tara.

Exhaling softly, Tara continued, her words carrying a weight of emotion. "Amber, you mean everything to me. You're the strongest, most loving person I know, and you've stood by me through so much darkness..." Her voice trailed off, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears as she squeezed Amber's hand gently.

Tara's gaze searched Amber's face, hoping for a reciprocation of her feelings. "I want to keep building a life with you," she revealed, her voice trembling slightly. "Maybe even... get married someday?"

The suggestion hung in the air, charged with anticipation. Tara watched Amber closely, her heart pounding, awaiting her response. However, to her shock, Amber burst into laughter—a bright, delighted peal that filled the space between them.

Amber's laughter caught Tara off guard, her smile faltering as she registered the unexpected reaction. The sound of Amber's amusement echoed in the restaurant, oblivious to the confused expression etched on Tara's face.

Taking a moment to compose herself, Amber finally contained her laughter, her expression shifting to one of somberness. She regarded Tara seriously, leaning back in her chair, her eyes fixed on her girlfriend.

"Wait... you are serious?" Amber asked, her voice tinged with surprise and uncertainty.

Tara's smile faded further, stung by Amber's initial reaction. She felt a pang of hurt as she absorbed Amber's words.

"Why is that so hard to believe?" Tara's voice held a hint of disappointment. "Don't you want to get married someday?"

Amber paused, momentarily taken aback by Tara's vehemence. She leaned forward, reaching out to touch Tara's arm, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and regret.

"I... yes, of course I do," Amber responded earnestly, her voice laced with sincerity. "I just never thought you did. Especially not with your family history—"

Tara cut her off sharply, her frustration seeping into her tone. "So what, I'm just destined to be a commitment-phobic mess like my parents? Thanks."

Amber desperately attempted to interject, her voice pleading and filled with genuine care. "Tara, that's not what I—"

But Tara's voice rose, her emotions spilling over. "You're right, let's not get our hopes up. I mean, why bother striving for anything real? I'll only disappoint you in the end, just like I do with everything else!"

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