Chapter 3: Boss Battle!

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As they traversed through the thick jungle that is located near Lust beach, now with an objective in mind. And all it took was a proud Treecko, a dazed and shocked Riolu who claims to be a human and don't forget the star of the show that made it happen, a Togedemaru who is worried sick about her friend.

Yep. Quite the mission. Alex got more uneasy as he saw more and more monsters. Ranging from oversized caterpillars, a stag beetle the size of an 8 year old kid, birds that generate gusts of wind that can bend trees and wait a moment... is that a raven covered in armor?

Yet the weirdest one was where Alex accidentally stepped on a pile of pink stool. Alex obviously wasn't fond of this as Elton was busy dying of laughter and was about to wipe his left leg in a patch of grass until the material started moving and within seconds, it materialized into an Alex lookalike. Catching Alex off guard.

"A Riolu! I hardly ever see a member of your species. Amazing! And oh, what is this? You carry such power within..." the Riolu lookalike stated, busy checking his image.

"Hi Gary the Ditto! I can already tell that you are acquainted with my buddy Alex. Although just between us, he is a bit coocoo." Elton said as he greeted Gary.

For what looked like it would take hours and hours of those two talking, it actually was the opposite and Elton quickly said goodbye to Gary as the rescue went on.

A steady reminder of their mission's purpose: to locate and rescue the friend of their companion.

As they pressed on, Elton noticed his companion's struggle to adapt to the unfamiliar surroundings. The one who had been brought from another world found it challenging to reconcile the existence of mystical beings surrounding them.

Despite Elton's patient explanations, the newcomer still struggled to comprehend.

"Listen, I know this is all overwhelming for you. But we don't have time to dwell on it right now. Someone out there needs us." Elton added on, urgency being on his side

"I-I just can't wrap my head around all of this. These creatures, this world... it's too much." Alex replied, with too much going on that he can't cope.

"I understand dude. But you're stronger than you think. Remember why you're here. That Togedemaru needs us. Maybe this is a me thing but I won't give up. And I can't do this by myself. You have to look beyond your discomfort and see the bigger picture." Elton stated, sounding serious for the first time.

Alex took a deep breath and despite not feeling so great, his inner call was greater, the urgent call for help resonated deeply within them, igniting a spark of resolve amidst the chaos. Together, they pressed forward, determined to aid the one in need, even amidst the uncertainty of Alex's new reality.

As they continued on. Elton remembered something that could be of immense aid to their search. He looked at Alex before asking him to search for the troubled pokemon's aura.

However, that ended up sounding like asking an average Joe to explain the core dynamics of Quantum physics to a group of kids. Alex did not know what Elton wanted from him as Elton eventually gave up and said to just "forget it".

Even though Alex hasn't figured out how to use his aura manipulation that his line is famous for. He did know that Elton felt disappointed that he could not do such a simple task for Riolus.

Alex felt bad. He wanted to be of use. Just when he tried to apologize, his ears heard something that alarmed him. Could it be?

"Elton! I hear something up North! Come on, follow me!" Alex said as he followed the sounds that his ears were picking up.

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