Jack S x Reader PT.3 ♡⚠️

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why the fuck did i not add a tw when i made this???

TW: death


As you, Jack, and Sally stroll down the street, you can't help but be so excited to go to the music store. It might not be the best, hell, it might even be the worst, but you didn't know yet.

You all arrive at the shop and you immediately start to look around. You spot a beautiful saxophone. It was black and gold, just like the one you've always wanted.

"Jack, Jack! Look at that, oh it's gorgeous..." You smile. "It's so pretty, can I have it?" You jump up and down. You were acting like a 7-year-old child. It was a bit odd, acting so comfortable around Jack. But it came naturally for you, and you didn't question it for a second.

"Yes, of course." He smiles down at you. "Excuse me, Marcus." Jack looks up from you and to the man who was working. He looks over to Jack and smiles. "Jack! I haven't seen you in forever! Who's the lovely [lady/gentleman/doll]?"

"This is [NAME], our newest accompany!" Jack smiles back at the older man. He had a white beard and a missing eye. He had a brown leather apron over him and a white shirt underneath. He was relatively short and fat, but he was sweet.

"Well, what are you two looking for?" He grins at Jack. "Well, they'd like that saxophone over there." Jack points to the saxophone that you had already returned to. Jack chuckles at your obsession with the saxophone and smiles. "Ah, that. Well, as a gift for the new lad/lass/doll, you can have it for free. The whole kit too." Marcus smiles happily.

"Really!?" You turn around and run back to the desk. "Yep." He nods his head. You nearly scream with joy, but keep it contained by clenching your fists.

The saxophone, along with its case and kit is given to you and you leave the store. You were so happy and you couldn't stop thanking Jack.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" You squeal (hehe E). "Calm down, [NAME], and it's my pleasure." Jack still has that sweet smile plastered on his face. He always does.

"Wait— Where am I going to stay???" You look up at him, the realization hitting you like a bus. He laughs and shakes his head. "Honestly, I didn't even think of it... You could stay with me if you'd like?" He looks down at you as the both of you walk.

"That'd be just fine... Thanks, Jack." You hold his hand as you walk, and he happily holds your hand as well.

𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡

Jack gives you a spare room, only a few doors down from his room. You got to meet his dog, Zero. A little sweet ghost dog! You set your saxophone on your bed and open the case. The saxophone was in perfect condition, or you thought. No scratches, no dents, but you weren't sure how it sounded.

You put it all together and went to play it. It sounded like shit.

"Ah!" You cover your left ear, it was horrible! You took it apart, looked inside the mouthpiece, checked the reed, and then found the problem.

The rubber plug had melted down into the tube. You easily removed the melted rubber and replayed the scale of notes. It was beautiful. A silky smooth and rich-sounding saxophone.

You played one of your favorite songs (THIS IS WHERE YOU PLAY THE SONG. it's VERY PRETTY <33)

You loved this song... It reminded you of love. It made you so happy and calmed you down. It helped you fall asleep sometimes. As you played, you closed your eyes, really diving into the sounds and the clicking of the keys.

(Now just enjoy it <3)

After you're done, you realize you are back in your bed. The weight of your body and the saxophone combine and you open your eyes.

Jack is standing there in the doorway, leaning on his side.

"That was beautiful." Jack smiles. "Th-Thanks..." You set the saxophone back down and gently blush, happy he liked it. "How long have you been playing?" He sat next to you. It was relieving to not have him towering over you and just sitting next to you. "About 10 years, before I died, of course." You slightly giggle at your shitty joke.

"Do you think Peach and Zero will get along? I really don't want to end up with my cat on the ceiling."

"Oh no, Zero loves everyone. Including cats. He once had a cat friend named Molly." Jack smiles. "Aww, how cute."

The room was filled with silence. It was nice though. It was nice to be by him, just to sit there next to him. You thought that you might have feelings for him. No, he's a skeleton— And besides, you guys are just friends. Two odd, dead people as friends.

"Hey, Jack?" You look over at him. "Yes?" He looks down at you with his usual sweet smile. "How... how did you die? You know how I died, so I wanna know how you did."

"Oh, wow, uhm... No one has ever asked me that... Are you sure you want to know? It's a bit, um, gruesome." His usual smile turns to a slight frown. "Oh, if you don't want to talk about it it's fine. But, I do want to know..." You rub your arm, feeling a bit like you're forcing him to tell you.

"No, no. I'll tell you."

"When I was about, hmm... 25? I met a girl named Maggie. She was the sweetest thing on earth. But she was a witch, and she was black. So I didn't get to see her often..."

≪ °❈ 𝟏𝟔𝟎𝟖 ❈° ≫


Jacks outfit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1688918603756842/ 

Maggies outfit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/402861129172020576/ 

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