Top Bacon x Bottom slender 🌸💞

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Third person pov:

Once upon a moonlit night, in the mysterious world of Roblox, there stood a tall and slender figure known as Slender. He was a quiet and introverted being, always lurking in the shadows, trying to avoid the toxicity that often plagued on this realm. Slender had grown weary of the insults and mistreatment he faced from others, but little did he know that a peculiar individual named Bacon would soon enter his life.

One fateful day, as Slender was being taunted by some particularly cruel individuals,

"Freak! Why don't you go back to the sewers where you belong?"

Slender endured their verbal lashing stoically, accustomed to such cruel behavior. Yet unseen, a pair of concerned ears had overheard the taunting.   
Bacon appeared out of nowhere, bravely standing between Slender and the toxic people.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Bacon materialized, standing boldly between Slender and tormentors. His tiny form seemed ridiculous facing off against them, yet a fiery resolve glinted in his eyes.

The bullies scoffed at this new target, sneering down at Bacon. "Oh? And what's a lil' noob like you gonna do about it, bacon-brain?"

To their shock, Bacon shoved the leader back forcefully. "I said back off! Picking on others makes you no better than sad, ugly creatures yourselves. Now get lost before I report you all!"

Disgruntled by this turn, the pack slunk away muttering threats. Bacon watched them go with hands on hips, victorious. Then he turned to Slender with a soothing smile.

Slender gazed at Bacon, stunned. No one had ever braved danger to stand up for him before. A warmth bloomed in his chest, kindling hope that maybe- just maybe- he was worth saving after all.

"Thank you, Bacon. You did not need to help me," Slender rumbled gratefully. Bacon beamed. "That's what friends are for, Slendy!" he stretched his hand out.

Grateful for the protection, Slender took Bacon's outstretched hand and allowed himself to be helped up. As they spent more time together, a genuine friendship blossomed between them. Slender found solace in Bacon's company, and Bacon's cheerful and flirty nature brought a smile to Slender's face.

However, as time went on, Bacon's flirty behavior started to affect Slender in a different way. Slender couldn't help but feel his heart race whenever Bacon would shower him with compliments or playful touches. The deeper their bond grew, the stronger Slender's feelings became. He found himself falling for his bacon friend, despite his own timid and reserved nature.

One day, while they were alone together, Bacon asked Slender to turn around. Slender, confused but trusting, followed his friend's request. Suddenly, Bacon gently grabbed Slender's chin, slowly turning him back around to face him. Slender's heart pounded in his chest as Bacon gave him a flirty look, and a romantic background seemed to materialize out of thin air.

Slender couldn't contain his embarrassment any longer and pleaded with Bacon to stop. He stammered, trying to express how overwhelmed he felt by Bacon's actions. But Bacon, with a mischievous smile, couldn't resist teasing Slender further. He found Slender's blushing and flustered state utterly adorable.

Slender's protests only seemed to amuse Bacon, and with a playful chuckle, he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Slender's cheek, hoping to calm his overwhelmed friend. However, the unexpected gesture caused Slender to faint in Bacon's arms.

Bacon, startled by the turn of events, held Slender close, worried that he had taken things too far. He gently cradled Slender's unconscious form, regretting the unintended consequence of his actions.

"Slendy? Oh, did I take it too far?" Bacon whispered to himself, remorse filling his voice.

And there, in that moment of uncertainty, Bacon vowed to take care of Slender and show him that his feelings were genuine. He would strive to build a relationship where they could both express their love and affection without overwhelming Slender's delicate heart.

With determination in his eyes, Bacon carried Slender to a quiet place, allowing him to rest and recover.As Slender began to stir in Bacon's arms, he slowly opened his eyes to find himself gazing into Bacon's warm, caring eyes.

"W-where am I...?" Slender muttered, still feeling dazed.

"Shh, it's alright Slendy. You fainted, but I've got you now," Bacon spoke softly, gently brushing Slender's hair from his eyes.

Slender blushed profusely as the memory of Bacon's kiss came flooding back. "I...I'm sorry I embarrassed myself like that. Your affection just took me by surprise."

Bacon smiled tenderly. "There's no need to apologize. I should be the one saying sorry. I didn't mean to overwhelm you."

Slender glanced away shyly. "The truth is...I care for you too, Bacon. More than I've cared for anyone. But feelings like this are new to me."

Bacon cupped Slender's chin gently. "Then we'll take it slow, at your pace. All that matters is that we care for each other."

Slender met Bacon's gaze, feeling more at ease. "Thank you for understanding. And for...always making me feel safe."

Bacon leaned in to place a chaste kiss on Slender's forehead. "I'll always protect you, my love."

Little did they know that this unexpected turn of events would mark the beginning of a deep and passionate love between a tall, stitched-mouth boy and a flirty, bacon—a love that would defy all odds and blossom into something truly extraordinary.

~The next day~

Slender and Bacon found themselves in a picturesque park, a cozy blanket spread out beneath them. The air was filled with laughter and the scent of blooming flowers as they enjoyed their picnic together. The sun's warm rays gently caressed their faces, creating an idyllic setting for their blossoming romance.

As they savored their delicious desserts, Bacon couldn't help but express his admiration for Slender in his own charming way. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned closer and whispered, "You know, Slender, you're the sweetest treat in this world of flavors. The dessert that I crave with every breath."

Slender's face flushed a deep shade of red, his heart skipping a beat at Bacon's affectionate and flirty words. He couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and appreciation for bacon, who had captured his heart.

With a shy smile, Slender replied, "Bacon, you always have a way with words. Your compliments make me feel like the most cherished treasure in the world."

Bacon grinned, his eyes sparkling with adoration. "That's because you are, Slender. You're my treasure, and I want to savor every moment we spend together."

Slender's heart swelled with affection, and he leaned closer to Bacon, their shoulders touching gently. The soft breeze carried their laughter and whispers as they continued to enjoy their picnic, their connection deepening with each passing moment.

They talked and laughed, their conversations filled with shared dreams, fears, and hopes. The park seemed to come alive around them, as if celebrating their love story. Time seemed to lose its meaning as they lost themselves in each other's presence.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the park, Slender and Bacon found themselves wrapped in each other's arms. They watched as the sky painted a canvas of vibrant colors, mirroring the kaleidoscope of emotions within their hearts.

In that moment, surrounded by nature's beauty and their own growing love, Slender couldn't help but feel grateful for Bacon's presence in his life. He realized that the sweetest dessert wasn't the one they had eaten but the love they shared—a love that would forever satisfy their souls.

1268 words

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