Chapter 4: Team Awesome

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As they made their way to the guild to formalize their partnership as an official rescue team, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Alex, still adjusting to this world, couldn't shake the nervous fluttering in his stomach. Elton, noticing his unease, offered a reassuring smile and a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry," Elton said with a reassuring tone. "I know this is a big step, but trust me, it'll be worth it. We make a great team, and together, we can accomplish anything dude." Elton added on.

Alex nodded, his anxiety easing slightly at the encouragement. With each step forward, he felt a renewed sense of determination, fueled by the knowledge that he wasn't alone in this journey. As they were getting near to the guild, he took deep breaths, ready to embark on this new chapter with confidence and conviction, knowing that with his friend by his side, they were unstoppable. Or at least until they encountered another struggle.

As they ventured towards the guild,Time seemed to slip through their fingers like grains of sand, each moment passing in a blur of anticipation and excitement. Before they knew it, the fading light gave way to the blanket of night, stars twinkling overhead like distant lanterns.

The sudden transition caught them off guard, prompting a moment of pause as they exchanged a glance illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. With a shared shrug, they pressed on, undeterred by the encroaching darkness. After all, they were on a mission, and nothing—not even the veil of night—could stand in their way.

"Man. Time sure flies when you are busy. Night time is beautiful and the moment where you could reflect on your actions that you did in the day. Dude. We will go out at night one day and just stroll." Elton stated.

As they arrived at the guild, nestled atop a serene hill, the moon cast its gentle light upon the stone structure resembling an Altaria.

"Welcome to Altaria’s guild, Alex! This guild is among the best in Siril!" Elton said as he showed the place.

Alex looked dumbfounded as he was expecting more. From his perspective, he only saw some stone structure that looked like a bird.

Pausing at the entrance, one of them gestured towards a nearby hole in the ground, barely visible beneath a covering of leaves and moss.

"The entrance to the guild is underground," Elton explained, a hint of excitement in his voice. "But to gain access, you must first pass a little test."

Now curious, Alex approached the hole, peering down into the darkness below that the hole was closed with a transparent lid. At the bottom, a faint glow emanated from a special sensor embedded in the earth, its purpose clear.

"We have to leave our mark," Elton continued, pointing to the sensor. "It detects the unique pattern of our footprints."

With a nod of understanding, they exchanged a determined glance, ready to prove themselves and embark on this new adventure together. 

Elton encouraged Alex to go first as Alex despite being thrilled, was feeling a bit nervous as he valiantly stepped forward and into the lid. However, he was completely caught off guard once a voice that originated beneath him announced.

"Footprint detected! Footprint detected! Footprint is none other than… huh? No way…! It has been ages ever since-I mean! The Footprints belong to a Riolu! Confirm this please!" The voice stated, alarming Alex in the process. "I SAID to confirm if the footprints are from a Riolu! I don’t have all day!" 

With a stutter and an anxious voice accompanying Alex. He confirmed that the footprints were indeed from a Riolu. The voice then said that he was accepted to enter as Elton cheered on.

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