Unveiling Universes Within

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(Guys you can imagine, anyone as Swetha and Nishika)

Unveiling Universes Within

With a nimble motion, Rahul eagerly cracked open the book the moment Atirma exited the scene, only to be greeted by a surprising revelation on the first page which was a piece of paper that fell on the hospital's vestibule. Instead of the familiar "Dear Diary," his eyes widened in astonishment as he discovered the unexpected salutation, "Dear Universe Ji."

Dear Universe Ji,

I realised something today, something very important and I am glad I realised. In all my previous diary entries there were the best of memories. The initial phase of this diary also seems to be the same but as the pages go by the lovely moments turn into haunting present which would remain only as bead memories, something that will remind me of who I am and what I deserve. It was all so painful. I wish to remind you how he hurt you. I want you to always remember that no one will remain with you. It was 2 months of pure torture. You woke up to a nightmare, the same nightmare everyday, finding it hard to breathe. You couldn't tell it to anyone. It all sounded so made up. You hugged yourself tightly controlling urge to scream and cry. You wanted someone to comfort you. Everyone left, your uncle raped you and blamed that you seduced him, your family disowned you and Rahul, Rahul who you thought would always be by your side left you, for Anjali; Swetha, Nishika and Atirma left as they were so done with your drama. You were on the streets with torn clothes and bruised body, you felt impure. You were alone, you were an orphan. Everyone walking around touched you inappropriately. All your acquaintances, friends, teachers gave you a disgusted look every time they walked by and this troop was led by- Rahul, Raj, Anjali, Namita and Nirup. This was the nightmare you woke up to every night. All this has been happening since the day Rahul left you. Its painfully sad, every time I see him, I wanna hold him by the collar and ask him why he did this to me. I wanted him to tell me that he was sorry and he would never repeat it again but that day never came. Today Lothika ma'am told me to stop behaving like a child and stop going behind him as it would hurt him. I will stop if it hurts him but who cares if I feel hurt. No one does, literally no one. As I went out for a walk with Nimesh today, I told him everything, every single thing that happened. He told me, I wasn't wrong in doing so. He said he'd be happy if someone cared about him so much, like I cared for Rahul. I realized even he needed someone and internally promised to be there for him. He told me, I should stop chasing Rahul not because Lothika ma'am told me but I should stop cuz my self respect is important. He rightly told me that it'd hurt, but every time it hurt, I am supposed to remind myself that the feeling I am feeling is not as important as my self respect. He was right with one more thing, a life with ups and downs is important, it'd be boring otherwise but a life with such ups and downs as mine, isn't fun either. It'd be hard to handle but I must stay strong. He told me he'd always listen to me but Ik I wouldn't be opening up to him cuz first, after what Rahul did to me I would not be able to open up to anyone and secondly, he has his own set of problems to deal with. I guess, I am alone once again but I'll stay strong just like I was. I'll put on that façade. Me crying everyday would not reduce or it might, idk but well atleast no one would think they can hurt me. I wish Rahul was there by my side today, I'd kill him and I hate him so much, I really do. I make a promise today that I'd never let anyone hurt me, I'd never get attached to anyone. I hate RAHUL, I HATE HIM.


Upon reading the first page, Rahul's eyes welled up with emotion. The weight of Karishma's struggles became palpable, reaching depths he hadn't anticipated. Though he understood her challenges, he never fathomed the extent of her ordeal. The realization tugged at his heartstrings, making him ache at the prospect of letting her down. He grappled with conflicting feelings—anger over Karishma betraying Anjali's trust which he believed was rational, yet severing all ties felt like an irrational response to a seemingly minor transgression. In hindsight, he realised he should have guided her rather than simply turning away. As he reflected on trust, a pang of regret struck him, acknowledging that he, too, had broken Karishma's trust by withdrawing when she needed him most. Determined to mend the fractures, he yearned to reconcile and set things right. Just as he poised to delve into the next page, the nurse delivered a surprising update—Karishma had regained consciousness. Swiftly stowing the diary in her bag, Rahul made a mental note to return to its pages later. He was still grappling with uncertainty, unable to discern the reason behind Karishma's choice to address the diary as "Dear Universe Ji" rather than the conventional "Dear Diary." Urgency gripped him as he hastened towards the room where Karishma lay, a sense of worry etched across his face.

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Love y'all

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