What Wednesday Chose

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Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage and children. For the last seventeen years of their marriage, life has moved at a breakneck pace for Wednesday and Enid; giving them little time to catch their breath for very long. However, now the two are finally able to take a long vacation... where they may learn new things about one another...

~19 Years Ago:

Teenage Wednesday Addams was laying on her bed in her dorm room at Nevermore Academy. Wednesday was wearing a long black night gown as she lay under her black blanket, with her eyes completely closed. Suddenly outside: loud thunder could be heard, as the light from lightning strikes nearby filled the room for quick moments. On the other side of the room: teenage Enid Sinclair lay awake under a pink blanket while wearing pink underwear, with a scared look in her eyes. As the sound of thunder got louder, Enid got more terrified as she stepped out of her bed. Enid then slowly walked towards Wednesday's bed, and with a frightened tone she said, "Wednesday... is the thunder keeping you up too?" While remaining completely still and keeping her eyes closed, Wednesday only moved her mouth as she said, "Actually, it was helping me sleep more soundly than usual until your nagging voice disrupting the soothing background noise awakened me."

As Enid looked very nervous she said, "I'm sorry. It's just... thunder and lightning have always scared me. I've learned to deal with it better as I've gotten older... but I've never heard thunder this loud before, and I... I know it's childish, but... can I sleep with you tonight?" Wednesday then opened her eyes, and turned her head to give Enid a glaring look as she said, "Enid, I am accustomed to sleeping in total peace as the experience of being completely unconscious is the closest thing I can experience to death while living. However that peace could easily be disrupted if..." Then suddenly the loudest sound of thunder was heard outside. A scared Enid screamed in terror, jumped into Wednesday's bed, and immediately hugged her tightly. Wednesday rolled her eyes and groaned in frustration... but reluctantly remained still... and slowly closed her eyes as she allowed Enid to remain in bed with her.

~Present Day:

Wednesday and Enid were walking up a tall mountain together. Wednesday was wearing a black t-shirt and black shorts, while Enid was wearing a pink t-shirt and white shorts; with both women wearing backpacks. As the two married woman walked beside one another, a smiling Enid said, "Wow. Look at that view around us. Now taking a long hike into the mountains... this is how I wanted us to spend a vacation together." Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "Agreed. The long amount of walking has caused great strain to my muscles, and is pushing me to a point of near dehydration and exhaustion. It is indeed feels quite wonderful."

Then a smiling Enid held Wednesday's hand as she said, "Well, whatever we do... I'm just glad we're doing it together. Whether we're laying together in bed, or staging a prison riot together... I will always love you Wednesday Addams." Wednesday however said nothing as she continued to walk alongside Enid. Enid then glanced at Wednesday as she said, "And now you're supposed to say something equally romantic to me." Wednesday then glanced at Enid with a deadpan expression while saying, "And I... value your continued existence Enid." Enid sighed a bit, but then smiled as she said, "You're allowed to say I love you back to me. You've said it before Wednesday. It wouldn't kill you to try saying it again."

Then suddenly the two heard the sound of a roaring beast. Emerging from a nearby cave was a huge bear like monster that could stand upright; with razor sharp claws, fangs in it's mouth, red eyes, and dark red fur. The monster ran at the two women, as a smiling Wednesday said, "Finally. Something truly enjoyable." Then End had her wolf claws appear from her hands as she said, "Don't worry Wens. I'll..." Then the bear monster immediately smacked Enid hard, and sent her flying to the ground very hurt. Wednesday meanwhile had a look of confidence in her face as she said, "Prepared yourself creature to be sent to hell." Then Wednesday took out a sword and ran towards the bear monster.

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