The Missing Pieces

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Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage and children. However despite these two seemingly being the center of their own little universe; many other people still fell in love, got married, and had children of their own at the same time Wednesday and Enid did. Today we look at the story of another family whose lives started completely separate from Wednesday and Enid... but would eventually have the story of their lives become intertwined with that of our usual main characters. What you will see below are just small pieces of a larger tapestry. The words you are about to read may not contain the full story... but then again... isn't there always more to tell in any story?...

Fun But Shy Girl Presents...

The Missing Pieces

Chapter 1 - The Passion of a Moment

An eighteen year old boy with pale skin and black hair was skateboarding down a sidewalk in town. As the boy rolled down the sidewalk, he began to feel lost in the wonderful feeling of the wind in his face, and the nature of gravity doing all the work in building up his momentum down an incline. However just as the boy was about to reach a crosswalk, one of his wheels came off his skateboard. The sudden shift in the board caused the boy to lose his balance, and thanks to the built up momentum - he began to fly into the middle of the street just as a large truck was coming his way. The boy had lost all balance and wasn't able to move away quick enough to get away from the truck. Suddenly a girl with light brown skin and dark curly hair ran into the street and tackled the boy out of the way. The boy and girl narrowly missed getting hit by the truck and fell to the ground. The boy fell on his back, while the girl instantly laid on top of him. Their faces were instantly an inch apart, and both of their eyes widened as they caught their breath.

As the girl continued to lay on top of the boy, she simply looked into his eyes as she said, "Are you okay?" The boy began to be entranced by the girl's beauty as he said, "Yes. Thank you. I... I think you saved my life." The girl smiled as she said, "It was the right thing to do. I'm Alisha by the way. What's your name?" The boy smiled as he said, "Max." Suddenly, the girl: Alisha quickly got off of Max as she said, "Oh my. I'm sorry for laying on top of you so long." Then as Max sat up, he said, "It's okay. I liked it... er, I mean I liked it when you saved me, and I understand you falling on top of me was an accident." Then a curious Alisha asked, "What happened?" Then as Max picked up his skateboard, he said, "Looks like one of my wheels came undone. Hmm. It looks like maybe there's some small pieces that were missing."

Then as Max pulled up one of his pants legs, he said, "Ooo. Looks like I got a few bad scrapes and bruises." Then Alisha helped Max up as she said, "Come on. There's a restaurant right around the block. I'm sure they have some ice there, and hopefully some bandages." Then Max smiled as he said, "And while we're there, maybe I can buy you dinner. I mean... it's the least I can do after you saved my life." Alisha then blushed a bit as she said, "You know... I typically don't go on dates with guys I've just met." Then Max smirked as he said, "And I typically don't go on dates with girls I've just met. But... how about we just give into the passion of a moment, and see where it leads us?" Alisha smirked, and then said, "Okay hot shot. Lets see where this leads..."

Chapter 6 - The Next Step

Alisha sat on a bench in a cemetery while looking at the sky. From nearby, Max walked over to Alisha and sat down next to her. Alisha looked at Max as she said, "How did you know I'd be here?" Then Max made a little smile as he said, "Because I know what today is and figured you'd be here." Alisha then tilted her head to the side and rested it on Max's shoulder. Max then put an arm around Alisha and said, "You gonna be okay?" Alisha sighed and said, "Well... I have learned how to cope with the feelings better. My sister Sydney... I miss her so much. Even though the police put that idiot white supremacist who shot her in jail for life... it still hurts knowing there are people out there filled with that much senseless hate in their hearts."

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