Ana's Amazing Adventure

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Prologue: Another Time... Another Place...

A school bell rang, and a teenage boy was running through the hallway of an ordinary high school. He then stopped at a corner of the hallway, and looked around the corner as if he was waiting for someone. A blonde girl then walked out from around the corner and began to open her locker. The teenage boy got excited, and then pretended to walk around the corner casually as he said, "Oh, hi Jennifer." The blonde girl Jennifer smiled as he said, "Oh hi Gerard. So... last day of class before summer break, huh?" Gerard leaned against a nearby locker as he calmly said, "Yeah. So... any fun plans for what you'll do in town this summer?" As Jennifer grabbed her belongings from her locker, she said, "Well I'm going to tour Europe with my parents all summer, so I won't be around." Gerard suddenly looked devastated, but tried to put on a calm face as he said, "Oh... I... I didn't realize." Then as Jennifer grabbed the last of her belongings, she said, "Yeah. Sorry we can't have our usual Thursday lunches together. I've enjoyed having them with you every week this school year. Anyway, better go. Don't wanna miss my bus." Jennifer then quickly walked off, while a frustrated Gerard said to himself, "Come on Gerard, say something to her. Don't say it in a text. You have to say it in person. Uggh." Then after a moment of looking nervous, Gerard rushed down the hall. Gerard then rushed out of the school building as he said, "Jennifer!" However Gerard only saw Jennifer's face in the window of a bus that was already moving away from the school. Gerard looked sad for a moment... but then he simply sighed and said, "Well... there's always next school year..."


Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage. Now, Wednesday and Enid work at their old school: Nevermore Academy as teachers, raising up an entire new generation; including their own twin seventeen year old daughters: Harmony and Ana. Harmony, who carries both of her mother's special abilities, continues to grow and explore the world with her girlfriend (and now fiancé) Megan. Ana meanwhile... has always been a very different story... and that story is what we will be focusing on today...

Fun But Shy Girl Presents...

Ana's Amazing Adventure

Ana Sinclair Addams was running through the woods as fast as she could while wearing a long purple coat and backpack. Sweat was covering her face, and her mouth was panting quickly, as her feet moved as fast as they could. Ana then heard the sound of feet from other people in the distance. Panicked, Ana tried to run faster. Then suddenly, a figure jumped down from a tree and landed in front of Ana. Ana froze for a moment, and then saw the figure was her sister: Harmony. Harmony then had her hands turn into werewolf claws as she said, "You've gone too far this time Ana. You have to be stopped!" Ana then bolted away from Harmony as she yelled, "Now Stormageddon the Conqueror!" Then Ana's cat jumped out from behind a tree and pressed a button on the ground. Suddenly a large heavy net dropped from the tress and caught Harmony inside of it. Ana's cat then jumped on Ana's shoulder, as a grateful Ana said, "Good work. Now lets go!"

Ana then ran towards the edge of a nearby cliff, and then froze for a moment as she stood over the ledge of the cliff. Then Ana heard another familiar voice say, "You can run, but you can't hide." Then Ana turned her head, and saw her mom: Enid emerging from the darkness of a nearby cave. Then Enid had her hands turn into werewolf claws as she said, "Ana, I may be your mother... but this ends now!" Ana suddenly heard the sound of a train, and then smiled as she said, "Excuse me mom... but I feel the need... the need for speed!" Then at the bottom of the cliff, a high speed train was rushing down a set of railroad tracks. Ana's cat jumped into a pocket in Ana's coat, and then Ana jumped off the cliff... and onto the speeding train.

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