Chapter Zero

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Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage. Now, Wednesday and Enid work at their old school: Nevermore Academy as teachers, raising up an entire new generation; including their own twin seventeen year old daughters: Harmony and Ana. Harmony, despite not behaving like a typical woman of the Addams name: carries both of her mother's special abilities, while Ana has always been a very different story.

However today, about a week before all of our teenage characters turn eighteen (and exactly two weeks before Harmony and Megan's planned wedding date), we explore what happens when Harmony and Megan spend a day apart from one another... as Megan decides to spend a day with her soon to be sister in law: Ana; as she learns more about the history of the family she will soon be marrying into...

"Chapter Zero"

Written by "DrDroom2006", With: "Fun But Shy Girl"

Ana Addams swung a katana sword as she yelled, "AND TAKE THAT! Try to eat us now, you freaky thing..." Ana's cat growled angry as his master used her sword to cut the last vines of a large mutant Venus flytrap that she and her sister's fiance: Megan encountered in an abandoned cave not too far from Nevermore Academy. Once the battle was over, Ana and Megan took a break in the forest and began to eat some sandwiches together. As Ana fed part of her sandwich to her cat (who was sitting on her shoulder), she saw that Megan was still trembling. A curious Ana then asked, "What is it?" As Megan was shaking a bit she said, "It's nothing, but... how can you be so calm and cool right now? Look at me... LOOK AT US! We barely made it out of that cave!" Then Ana casually remarked, "Well... yeah our clothes got a little ragged..." Megan took a deep breath, and then said, "I should have accepted Harmony's invitation to go wedding dress shopping with her. But no! I wanted to spend some one on one time with my soon to be sister in law, and see if all these crazy things you claim happen on all your crazy adventures actually do happen! Ugggh." Ana laughed, and then said, "It wasn't that bad. Right Stormageddon the Conqueror?" Ana's cat meowed in agreement.

Megan then glared at Ana as she said, "Oh, no? See this hole in the back of my shorts? I was nearly trapped by a spider or whatever that thing was on the wall." Ana took another bite of her sandwich, as she said, "Come on. You're talking like that mission was actually scary. That was nothing compared to the spooky cavern me and Gerard explored while treasure hunting last Sunday." A confused looking Megan then asked, "Who's Gerard?" Ana's face turned red, and suddenly Ana panicked as she yelled, "I don't have a boyfriend!" Megan now looked more confused as she said, "I didn't say you did." Ana quickly composed herself, cleared her throat, and then said, "Um... the point is... that spider you encountered was a sand spider... and... it was your fault it attacked you." A frustrated Megan quickly said, "EXCUSE ME?"

Ana casually continued to eat her lunch as she said, "Megan, I told you to keep away from the walls. They feel when you're against the sides of the room, pull you in, sting you with their venom, and then they eat you later." Megan groaned, and then said, "FANTASTIC! And what about that darn plant that got me? Look at the burns on my arms and legs! THAT THING ATE ME!" Ana held out her hands as she said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. First of all, I told you to wait for me; and second of all: those are barely first degree burns; and third of all, for a Venus flytrap to digest you - it would take about eighteen hours... or maybe less is she's hungry; and fourth of all, you should know better than to wear some wannabe Lara Croft costume instead of real explorer clothes while going on adventures like this."

Megan groaned once more as she said, "Uggh! I could have been getting dressed and undressed with my girlfriend in a sexy dressing room scenario all day! Or at the very least, I could have helped Harmony finally pick out our wedding song today instead of being here." An excited Ana then said, "I'm telling you, doing a Lady Gaga song for your wedding would be perfect. You and Harmony could even sing to it. Bad Romance would be a perfect wedding song for you two!" Megan glared at Ana as she said, "I am not having the first thing played after I marry your sister be a song that literally says: caught in a bad romance. Uggh. Can you at least explain to me why we came to this horrible place today?" Ana then held out a plastic bag holding a small mutant Venus flytrap as she said, "For this! It's the offspring of that giant mutant plant we just fought." Megan's eyes widened with anger as she said, "Are you crazy!?" Ana then protested, "Hey. I wanted my own mutant Venus fly trap." Then a frustrated Megan asked, "Why would you want a freak monster like that?"

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