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Note: A little more personal chapter between Easton and Ivory and his step sister. I don't plan on going heavy into romance other than feelings. There are other stories people can read if they want the physical stuff. That is... unless quite a few of you want that. The comments, if I get any, will show what you want. 

Easton looked at the young girl beside him and knew something was off. He wasn't sure why but Ivory was not herself. Usually full of a wit and spicy attitude, tonight she was quiet and reserved. Even at dinner, she sat awkwardly squirming as though she was nervous, didn't say much and most telling, couldn't meet his eyes.

THAT was strange for Ivory. She enjoyed challenging him, coming up with questions that even he didn't know. The girl was wicked smart, liked to tease him about it, and had a razor wit. But not tonight.

Up ahead the light turned amber and Easton slowed down to a stop behind an SUV. "What's wrong Ivy?"

"Nothing." she answered quickly, eyes out the side window.

"Really? This is me we're talking about, I've known you for a bit now and I know this quiet, don't-look-at-me act is not you. What's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it." Still looking out the window.

The light turned green and they began moving again. "I do worry because I don't like seeing my sister's friends upset. Even if all I am is a sound board, please, use me. If I can help then sure as the sun coming up I will. Just confide in me please."

At least that drew the girls attention.

Ivory looked at him, eyes clouded with uncertainty but at least she looked at him. He couldn't read more into them what with him concentrating on driving. "At least you looked at me." he mumbled with a smile.

Turning the grin to her, she was again looking out the window, chewing her lip.

He needed something a little more effective. Taking the next left her started to make his way to a place that had always made him and Nova feel better when down and out.

Another sign that Ivory was battling something internal was she said nothing about the blatant change in direction. The girl noticed everything.

"So, how's your play coming along? I heard it should make a heck of a splash." If direct doesn't work, then he'll try roundabout.

"It's fine."

"How's school going? Pretty easy for you right?"


"You're parents much be super proud with you and your accomplishments." The last of which was not inconsiderable.

"Uh huh."

"... I'm gay, and fell in love with a married man."

"That's nice." she said monotone, then jerked as though slapped. "WHAT?" she looked at him bugged eyed and worried. Just as fast she slumped back irritated and looked out the window again. "I have a lot on my mind."

He smiled. "Kinda had you on that one. You almost looked worried for me. Why's that?"

"No, was just surprised is all."

He knew there was more to it then that. "Oh, I think you like me."

"What?" She glared at him in shock, "NO! You are annoyingly nice, considerate, you care too much, and girls don't like that. They like the bad boy. That's not you."

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