Chapter 10

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Ryuzoji's eye twitches that she comes upon the Japanese politician's office fill with hungry gazes at her who won't let her go home. When did this happen? Let's rewind how did it all started. Firstly, Ryuzoji just finishes her work when she hears someone calling her name and running at her. She moves away swiftly, having Douma face plant at the telephone pole. "Oh-ho~ You really are a shy one, aren't you~ It really entices me~" Douma moans in pleasure while his head is bleeding, making Ryuzoji cringes. "You don't really say much, huh? I would imagine if I give you a land of dream to hear your sweet voice of yo-" Before he can finish, Ryuzoji makes a beeline and jumps to stomp on his face. She has enough of hearing from this twisted, perverted man who knows her gender and a mistake of ever be involved with.
Ryuzoji is about to leave, but her ankle gets caught by a hand and looks down in displeased. Douma giggles at that with a creepy smile on his bruised face. "Who ask you to leave that I haven't been done talking to you yet, Ryuzoji-chan? Oh boy, you really have some strong foot to almost knock me out." She tries to shake him off, yet he won't let go. "The reason why I want to see you is because I thought we can hang out at my office and will have special access entry from yours truly," Douma said. He takes her (more like dragging her) to where his company is at.
Ryuzoji looks at the building with distasteful look to see how sus it is for corrupted politicians to try to run for Japan in that kind of building. "This way," Douma said and lead her to the elevator. She stomps on her ground of not being confined with Douma who would try to be a creep to her. "Come on, it's not that bad. It's easier to go use the elevator than using stairs. You won't believe how bothersome from using the stairs that could kill you and be late for a meeting. This Kokushibou-dono made it way fast from using it and does not break a sweat," he whined while Ryuzoji rolls her eyes in exasperation. He tries to pulls her hand to get inside the elevator, but she stays on her ground, not moving an inch.
Douma pouts and decides to do the other way to get Ryuzoji to come inside the elevator with him by picking her up in bridal style. She tries to wiggle her out, Douma keeps her in place with a smile when the elevator door closes. "Stop moving around. It's hard for me to hold you like this. You don't like being close to me that badly? I mean, I have female followers who keeps going after me for money and lust. You on the other hand, is quite different than them who takes disinterest in me with lack of words and I love it. Come on, I won't bite. ...much~" Douma purred which Ryuzoji gives him a knuckle sandwich and starts beating his face into a pulp when the elevator door opens to reveal Kokushibou in front of them with his arms behind his back to never expect to see such amusement.
"Douma, what the hell is going on?" Kokushibou asked sternly and stares at Ryuzoji who stops beating Douma up with unreadable expression. "Oh hey, Kokushibou-dono. This is Ryuzoji-chan. Got me good, ow," Douma hissed in pain. Ryuzoji just drops him after finish beating him up, roughly. "Ow, my neck! My neck and my back!" "Don't be such a drama queen. You're fine." "At least help me up, Kokushibou-dono." "No." Kokushibou gives a hard stare at Ryuzoji. "What business do you have to come to this office? If you just come here for nothing, unfortunately for you that I have to get rid of you," he said. Ryuzoji writes her white board, I was forced to come here by your colleague who wanted me to hang around this building. "That's right. She is really an interesting person who doesn't talk much and I thought you lots would like to get to know her," Douma answered. Ryuzoji turns at him with anger for revealing her identity. "So you're a female? Interesting. I be curious what's behind your mask. Will keep it low profile of not telling anyone outside," Kokushibou pauses. "Hold the phone. Douma, how did you know Ryuzoji is female?" It starts to creep Kokushibou and Ryuzoji. "My intuition told me that Ryuzoji-chan is female. I can make out by simply looking," Douma said in a matter of fact.
Kaigaku and Nakime comes back from having coffee and infiltrating Ubuyashiki's whereabouts. "Ara, are we expecting a visiter into our office?" Nakime puts out a surprised face. Kaigaku takes a good look at Ryuzoji and recognizes her. "Hey, I know you! You're that mysterious fox who is Ubuyashiki's favorite and came from Kimetsu Academy," Kaigaku yelled while pointing at her. "You know her?" "Yeah, I know her, Koku- Wait, 'her'?" "Have been told by this blabbermouth who wouldn't shut up about it," Kokushibou stated. There's no use to hide it since knowing those people have connections to find information and who knows what they are planning. "Why could I not see that since this quiet bitch dressed up in unisex?! It's so annoying!" Kaigaku starts to complain still pointing at her. "Maybe this will give us advantage to bring her to Muzan-sama since he has been ongoing to fight Ubuyashiki," Nakime said. "Aaaaaaw, why not tomorrow? I want to hang around with Ryuzoji-chan and get to know her," Douma whined with fake cry. No one notices that Ryuzoji tries to walk away, but caught by Kokushibou with intense stare behind his sunglasses. "Nice try."
Truth be told, he likes the feeling of touching her and wants more of her, but got interrupted by Kaigaku. "You got her arm, I got her other one. We're bringing her to Muzan-sama. Whoa, did you have muscles underneath those bandaged arm?" Kaigaku start feeling her that he can't stop. Nakime chops him in the head. "Ow! What the actual shit fuck is that for, stupid woman?!" "Quit stalling and take her to Muzan-sama immediately," Nakima said sternly. "Fine!" "Wish I can be in the same position as Kaigaku to feel Ryuzoji-chan," Douma mumbled while pouting. "What?" Kokushibou raises his eyebrow at him. "Nothing! Hahaha!"
Meanwhile in Muzan's office, Muzan has been throwing darts at the picture of his arch nemesis who he hates so much that he didn't hear a knock on the door. "Pardon our intrusion. We brought you a guest you should meet," Nakime said. "Come in," is all Muzan say in short, not into long conversation. The door opens and he throws the dart that grazes Nakime. "Nice aim, Muzan-sama," Nakime blankly said. "What guest are you talking about? I have so many things on my plate to defeat that shit-eating son of a bitch who keeps getting in my way of my goal," Muzan flatly said with animosity. "We brought this fox masked interloper who have a connection with Ubuyashiki and thought what you will do,"Kokushibou said.
Muzan takes a quick look at Ryuzoji that she starts to glare at him with full hatred. His eyes widens and feels so much confusing feelings towards her. He grabs her chin harshly to have her look at him straight in the eyes. "So you must be that little henchman of that director who is fond of you. Well, my dear, I want you to become my spy to defeat Ubuyashiki once and for all," Muzan ordered her with malicious smile. Ryuzoji does not respond and grabs his wrist that it almost snaps. He hisses in pain and glares at her for not following his order. She tries to leave through windows, but it has been blocked by Muzan's colleagues with hungry look. For Muzan, his grin spread wide he almost look like a Cheshire cat. "There's nowhere else to run and no place to hide. If you don't do as I say, I will have to break you to have you submitted to me," Muzan said, having Ryuzoji ready to fight. She feels something in her pocket and it's Inosuke's stink bomb that he made himself in order to escape the wrath of people he doesn't like. She doesn't know if it's going to work, but it's worth a try.
She smashes them on the floor and see what happens. Kaigaku smells something and he clenches his nose in disgust. "Aaauuugh, fuck! That stinks like nuclear pollution! Douma, did you farted?!" Douma gasps in offensive, "Why, I never! I never fart in this office!" Nakime becomes teary of disgusting smell. Kokushibou puts description of such horrible smell, "That smell...It's like corpse leg dipped in a pile of sheep shit..." Muzan coughs heavily until he hears the door locks from the outside. "That fox bitch is going to pay for this!" Everyone faints in the office. They will later take a shower to get rid of it. Ryuzoji runs to the park to take some rest. She never thought that Inosuke's stink bombs actually works since his brain is like a caveman. She'll find a way to thank him for the stink bombs to come in handy. Inosuke is confused why she keeps petting his head and present him lots of tempura. "Don't know why you are acting nice, but bow down to Mountain King! He huffs in confident and enjoys Ryuzoji's company and secretly wishes if they become each other as mates.

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