Chapter 13

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        Everyone create their stands that the school festival starts tomorrow. Ryuzoji walks around the school to see how everyone is doing and it seems people are doing okay with a lot of help in need so she can relax. However, her friends comes up to her with requests. "Anenokoji, I was thinking that you will be the butler of me, Kanao, Shinobu, Naho, Sumi and Kiyo," Aoi demanded to Ryuzoji in attempt to see her in butler outfit. "Sorry, but I want Ryuzoji to come up with the ideas of the carnival games, Missy," Genya just smiles, but quite forced. "Excuse me?! That is rude of you to say that to a girl that you're trying to use Ryuzoji as an excuse of not getting any help from your brother!" "Shut the fuck up! You don't know that!" "Then, where are you looking at?! You're not looking at me in the face!" Inosuke did a chokehold on Ryuzoji that he claims her. " Meroji will be the one to do a band with us Kamboko squads! So, suck it!" He shouted in full of pride. Sabito and Makomo pulls her away from Inosuke. "I don't think Ryuzoji wants to participate in these projects since they just got here to start all over and have a lot of things lately," Sabito stated and Makomo nods. Another pair of arms pulls her away from them and into their arms and surprise, surprise are the Tokito twins. "You guys are quite the attention seeker who wanted something from Ryuzoji and it gets really annoying", Yuichiro scoffed at them. "Who needs to do these activities if Ryuzoji gets to spend more time with us on our date?" Muichiro said with smug look leaving people pissed off. "Nuh-uh! You're just delusional shitballs who are too young for Ryuzoji!" Gyutaro yelled and Ume backs him up, "You tell them, Onii-chan!" Everyone starts to fight each others' throats leaving Ryuzoji sighs in frustration and shatters the window to get their attention.
        Knowing she will pay for the window later, but right now everyone have to zip their pieholes shut. Ryuzoji writes down a solution. Why not I make the time for each of you so I can assist the best I can so no one will have any hard feelings of wanting to know me as friends? Deal? Everyone conteplates for a while, but agrees. She first go to Genya to construct him the ideas on carnival games to build like pop the pirate from the barrel, throw a wheat inside the wooden vase, and sure shooter. She helps him to build it along with other classmates that everyone are getting excited to see how it goes. They finish their games and take water break. Genya drinks his water bottle and sees Ryuzoji ready to leave, but calls her out. "Ryuzoji, you might be thirsty, so take a sip of water," Genya said. Ryuzoji shakes her head no, but Genya already hands her the bottle. She drinks some liquid until Genya realizes he gave her his bottle instead. Ryuzoji hands it back to him, nod in thanks and went to the other destination. Genya looks down where her lips were on his bottle making him blush red. He starts to struggle of wanting to drink it by putting his lips to it until to see his classmates staring at him. "What are you all looking at?! Mind your beeswax!" Everyone went away in fear and went to work. Genya quickly drinks it and is full of content that he gets indirect kiss from the person he loves.
Ryuzoji's next destination are the girls who are doing maid cafe. The girls are smiling innocently, however their auras says otherwise. She turns her body away to leave, but got grabbed by them. "Where do you think you're going? We haven't done the measurements on you to be our butler since you're not going to reveal your gender anytime soon," Aoi huffed with disbelief. Kanao is blushing pink to see what Ryuzoji looks like in butler outfit. "I think Ryuzoji can dressed in pink," Kiyo suggested it of pink maid cafe theme. "No, I think Ryuzoji looks better in green," Naho exclaimed. "Why not blue since I seen people nowaday always like the shade of blue?" Sumi make another suggestion which have others sweatdropped of wanring to calm down the girls. "Girls, we can't fight over small things that would lead to argument and ruin the festival. Do you want that?" Aoi consulted them and they nod. Kanao raises her hand. "We can do classic black and white since it's neutral colors." Everyone agrees and they start to measure few parts on Ryuzoji. Ryuzoji went behind the curtain to measure the chest size and pops a white board to show the girls her chest measurement.
She tips her head in goodbye to the girls and went to Kamboko Squad. "Ryuzoji~ You have come to confess your love for me!" Zenitsu makes his way to Ryuzoji which ended up him get hit in the face by Uzui. "Knock it off! This ain't no 'meet me after school behind the gym' thing! We're here for music!" "How dare you getting in the way and you just hit the student! I will report you for this!" Zenitsu and Uzui headbutts each other with glares. "Now we need a singer for our band and I guess I can do singing," Tanjirou said, but earns head shakes from the guys. "Konpajiro, you suck at singing and neither of us don't have pretty voice," Inosuke stated, earning 'hey' from the guys. Ryuzoji writes down on her white board. Why not have Nezuko be a lead singer? Everyone agrees with her suggestion and have Nezuko be the one. Nezuko comes into the room when being called by her brother to accept being a lead singer and squeals with excitement with no hesitation by cuddling Ryuzoji that she's happy to see. "So, have to start the lyrics for me?" "Yeah, we have it right here and see if you think it's good," Uzui pulls out sheets of paper to have her look it over. Nezuko sings some lyrics, but the room seems weary meaning that the lyrics aren't good and everyone's expressions are deadpanned. "I like the titles you put, Tengen-sensei. But the lyrics seems to be...." Nezuko trailed off of not wanting to insult him.
"Shitty. The word you're looking for is shitty," Zenitsu answered which ticked Uzui off. "Oh yeah? Why not you write down the lyrics if you're so good at music?" "If you have time to slack off than being a teacher of not finding inspiration to write the songs, you should go back to college to practice writing!" They start to bicker with Inosuke joining in and Tanjirou trying to break them up. Nezuko don't know what to do to stop it, but sees Ryuzoji writes down on notebook containing two songs. "Ryuzoji, can I take a look and sing it?" Nezuko asked and Ryuzoji hands over the notebook. The boys stop fighting and hears the girl singing. "Wow, that is beautiful." "Nezuko-chan's voice is like an angel~" "Giving me fluffy feeling." "Now that's flamboyant!" "Thank you, guys. But the one who create this song is Ryuzoji. They wrote them." Nezuko gives credit to Ryuzoji, but she doesn't care. "Since your singing stops all the bickering, we can practice the instruments and you start singing,"Tanjirou said and everyone cheers. A few hours later, they get the hang of it and thanked each other for hardwork and ready to go home. "Ryuzoji, want to walk home with us?" Tanjirou offered. Ryuzoji writes down her white board. I can't. I have to go to the principal's office. Everyone's eyes widens. "What?! Why?!" You remembered the shattered windows I broke to have you all to shut up from duking it out like hours ago? Everyone think for a bit and remembers. "Oooohhh..." See you all for the tomorrow festival. Each of her friends wanted to stay with her, but she declines the offer for them to go home and not miss the last train. Let's just say that Amane gives her a long scolding, but put up to make up by replacing new window. When missing the last train, Ryuzoji can't go home and no place to sleep if wanting to stay the night inside the school. Just her luck, Kokushibou is standing there with his arms crossed, staring down at Ryuzoji like a prey. She is about to jet, when his voice stops her. "Whatever you're thinking, no, I'm not taking you back to Muzan-sama since I got off from work, tired and want to go home and upon seeing you alone outside of school. This society does not allow minors to stay out so long in the middle of night and get kidnapped by sus people."
He continued, "You don't have to trust me of either to take my offer to stay the night at my place or I would drop you off at Muzan-sama's place. Your choice. Consider this a little generosity that you have a place to eat and sleep." Ryuzoji rather not stay the night with cold-hearted, corrupted politician to chew her out and rather choose to stay with Kokushibou since he does have standard not to be in the same level as Douma and seems a bit decent. So she accepts his offer. How much for spending a night at your place? Kokushibou gives her a look like she grow two heads. "Do I look like someone who is buying you out of benefits? I don't need cash from someone who can be so troublesome to make my job harder, so right now I'm exhausted. Follow me to my car." She gets inside his car and sits on the passenger seat since Kokushibou is not the type of a person to be sitting near people and talk. They made it to Tsugikuni resident during 15 minutes of drive and head towards the door. Once Kokushibou unlocks the door, a sudden impact tackles him on the ground.
"Welcome home, Aniue, and I missed you," said the man in a monotone voice. Kokushibou groans in annoyance. "Yoriichi... One, do not greet someone by tackling them when they came home. Two, you seen me daily." The man who tackled Kokushibou was his brother Yoriichi. He starts to notice the presence of Ryuzoji who isn't phased by surprise. "Oh? Aniue, who is this? Do we have a guest?" "No one important. Just having a minor temporarily staying the night in this house so no one kidnaps or whatever shit happens." "You know that's not nice of you to say no one important. My apology on behalf of Michikatsu and he didn't mean any harm. What's your name?" Yoriichi asked. "Oi, don't say my real name to her. Now she knows my identity, she is going to everyone about this." "Oh, that's a she?" Leaving Yoriichi a bit surprise, but ignores his brother of wanting a name from her. Anenokoji Ryuzoji. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. "A silent type, hm? Well, nice to meet you." Kokushibou clicks his tongue in annoyance that his twin is being close to her. "Are you going to stand there and chat all night or do you all want dinner to go cold?" Kokushibou said with venom that everyone went to the table.
No exchanged words after dinner, Yoriichi keeps talking to Ryuzoji since she thought that he would most likely go do his own business. But she's wrong. It becomes overbearing that he wants to get to know her more. He shown her a photo album of him and Kokushibou when they're little that Kokushibou tries to take the album aqay from embarrassment until something caught her eye. On the page shows a man who looks just like her with emotionless face with Tsugikuni twins holding each of his arms like they're close. She points at the picture to bring their attentions. "Oh, this person? His name is Fujioka and someone we loved. Right now he's on overseas to greet fans about his work on books. But he still send letters to this house how's he's doing and what we were doing," Yoriichi answered. Kokushibou put his hands on his hip. "Fujioka always act stubborn when it comes to us who have been dealing with our own problems that he wants to fix it. But, that's what makes him somebody who never gives up." Ryuzoji nods in understanding. "Enough of that corny story. We're getting a shut eyes, so the clothes is prepared for you and you're welcome by the way." "Sweet dreams, Ryuzoji and dream about me." Kokushibou drag his brother to his room in envy before Yoriichi do something stupid. Ryuzoji shakes her head and gets knocked out into deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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