Chapter 1

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Zach's pov:
'COME BACK YOU LITTLE SHIT' I heard 'sir' yell.I quickly run into the closest room and hide in the closet.

My body was shaking and my breathing was uneven.'Come out,come out wherever you are' I heard him say this time he was closer to me.I quickly put my hand infront of my mouth so he doesn't hear my heavy breathing.

Today I forgot to clean the house,since I was to exhausted from yesterdays beating so now he wants to punish me for it.Closing my eyes shut I pray he passes out or leaves my room.

All of a sudden the room falls silent,not a single sound could be heard.

A relieved sigh escapes my lips.I spoke to soon. The closet door was thrown open with such force it shook the entire cupboard.

"There you are" He says whilst grabbing my hair and throwing me out.I suppress a scream and try to move away but he was too quick. He grabs me by the collar lifting me up so i was facing him.

No matter how many times i see his face it always sends shivers down my spine. I look away trying to get out of his grasp when a sharp pain runs through my body. Shards of glass falling onto the floor accompanied by my blood.

A small, unintentional whimper escapes my lips after my screams resulting in a large grin permanently plastering itself on his face.

Now that his hand was free it started making contact with my face again and again. After the fifth punch it stops. My screams had subsided now. No one was coming. No one cared. It was just him. And it always would be.

"you're lucky I ran out of beer" He spat,venom laced in his voice with that he stumbles out. I layed on the floor for minutes or hours, I couldn't tell. My body was numb and i couldn't feel anything. The only positive thing was that when he released me i didn't land on the glass shards.

My eyes drift over to the clock positioned in a place 'sir' wasn't able to reach it with his hands or his bottles.

Heaving myself up I crawl over to my bead where i had my work clothes hidden under my bed as well as my make up. Pulling it out i first swap out my clothes placing my previous work clothes underneath the bed. Thankfully the damare wasn't too noticeable and esselunga fixable.

After getting dressed i head over to the mirror in the bathroom. My left eye was complete black, if i can't hide it with makeup I'll have to hide it wit an eye patch. I quickly get to work trying my best to cover it up, occasionally wincing at the surge of pain that over comes my body. After completing the makeup i serve my work. The bruise was completely covered. Sighing i head out of the bathroom and into the corridor.

Fortunately, sir was sleeping; i sneak past him. and out the door not bothering to lock it. There was nothing precious in my house anyways and if someone broke in hopefully they'll kill 'sir' for me.

The walk to the Moon River Brewing Company wasn't very long so I didn't have to worry about getting a lift.

However, it was always scary to walk at night especially since apparently a mafia is running around this city.

Eventually i arrive at the pub.It was already crowded despite it only being 9pm. My shift ends at 1am so this was going to be a long night. Heading over to the bar i greet Xavier. We became friends when i started working here. The night went by well, especially since a handsome man orded a whisky not holding back on the flirting. However it was all ribes when i over heard a converation with the handsome man.
"I will never understand gay people like why do you like the same gender as yourself" the handsome one states.
"Literally" the other one says, taking a sip if his whisky.

Since my shift ended i decided to confront them.
"I understand everyone is entitles to their own opinions, but it's important to respect others and their rigt to love who they love. Homophobia can be hurtful and damaging. Have you considered how your words might affect others around you?"

Instead of being suprised or even ashamed they both  just smirk looking back at each other. I got tired of it so I left.How can so many people be homophobic. Its dissapointing especially with the way they act. Why can't people let you love who you want to love in peace. Tears formed at the ring of my eyes but i push them back. I wouldn't cry over something so stupid. I walk slower to my home. Home. I wish i could call it 'home' but its missing the most important thing love.It was so unfair. The lights were on when i arrived home which meant he was asleep.

Entering the hous i headed up to my room changing my clothes placing my work ones securely underneath my bed and removibile my make up. Revealing the black eye. It would go away in a few days hopefully. Entering back in my room i finally collapse on to my bed for some well deserved rest hoping   my life will change. With that I fall into a dreamless sleep.

Sorry for any mistakes!
Love y'all <3

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