Chapter 4

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Zach's pov:
I woke up to a loud sound.It was the T.V. I carefully go unto the living room and see sir still passed out with beer bottles surrounding him.The news was still on.But what the reporter said next shocked me

"Isabell Brown was found dead in her own house". That name sounded familiar.I was researching her yesterday.This must be a coincidence,right?

I took a look at my shattered phone,I had received a text message from the company saying that I had done what I needed to do so I didn't need to come in today.

I shrug off the weird feeling and return to my room,laying in my bed.I reach my hand over to the bedside drawer and grab a book.I was currently reading the shatter me series.It would be nice to have something like that one day,but who would possibly want to date an ugly and broken guy like me?

It was currently 11am and I didn't have work tonight either so I was free for the whole day.I spent most if the day reading until around 1pm I get a news message.
"Thomas Livine found dead,his dimorphic face unrecognisable" I click on the article and continue reading.
"Famous buisness man Thomas Livine was found dead in his residence.His face was unrecognisable,flesh ripped off his face." *Image645*

The image itself was disguisting,you couldn't tell where any part of his face was.

"Detectives suspect the leader of the famous 'Italian Mafia' are the suspects behind this horrendous crime.Family and friends wish others to stay safe,because you never know you might be next.

After finishing the paragraph I recognized something about Thomas Livine,I wrote about him in the file.This was too much to be a coincidence, right?

Not even half an hour later another person died.

"Famous boxer Noah Harper was found dead in a similar state as Thomas Levine Face dysmirphic however a note had been left.'7 bad people,7 ways to hell.
This has been recognised as the mafia group's new phrase.At the last murder the number had remained the same.

This has been recognised as the mafia group's new phrase.At the last murder the number had remained the same.Detectives vow to find the owner of these cruel crimes.

Okay no,the people he gave information about are dying.He could tell the detectives but they wouldn't hesitate to arrest him too and that's not something he wants.I could go to the company and demand an explanation.Or I could do the safer thing and ask my boss if they can talk.I go to message him.

'Can I come talk to you'    send:3:20

'Sure'                                    send:3:26
-Lorenzo (boss)

I change into something warmer for the outside weather before walking to the company.I arrive to see my boss waiting outside.Without his blazer thankfully I brought it with me.I hand it over and he takes it before heading inside to his office.

,,You wanted to talk" he asks,sitting in his chair.
"Obviously because people you told me to research about,are mysteriously dying and everybody things it's the mafia" I reply.
He just smiles.I almost forgot what the conversation was about as soon as I saw those dimples.
"I heard" he replies,bringing me back to reality.
"Of course you heard,it's all over the news" I snapped back.
"Is it ?" He replies calmly.
"So you're not the one,going around killing innocent people?" I ask.
He just shrugs,shrugs.I left before I said something I wish I hadn't.I leave the building and I walk, no speed walk home.

It's my birthday (18th of April)
Love y'all

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