Chapter 3

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Zach's pov:
I opened my eyes and realised the sun was already up "Shit" I cursed.

I was late to work,well not to work,I was late as in I can't shower,Quickly I get out of bed and start my morning routine.Much quicker than before,the black eye was accompanied now by a small cut in the corner of my face.

I start by hiding the bruise around my eye,by the time I was finished I was past the time I was meant to leave.

I'd have to leave it and make some excuse.I quickly speed walk to work,not realising that I was wearing a shirt with no sleeves and that my bruises and self harm scara were visible

Lorenzo's pov:
I sat on my chair surveying the buildings cameras.It was 5:31 and Zach wasn't here yet.He was nowhere in the building.Is he okay?He better be okay.

Finally I hear the door to the room open.Zach walks in a sleeveless white shirt hanging a little loosely off his body,his hair messy as usual.

"You're late" I say.He nods,moving his arms behind his back not before I see something on it.A bunch of lines that seem like scars littered his arms and patches of black skin.I look back to his face noticing a scar on hus forehead.

"Your Forehead" I say
"I fell and hit something last night"He replies,it was too deep to be a fall,someone must have forcefully pushed him.I feel anger rising in me but I suppress it,after all he might be telling me the truth.I point out the next thing his arm.

"Your arm?" U ask.
"It was my cat,I couldn't find a
jumper" he replies.
"Bullshit,you don't have a car"he looks suprised,good.
"Are you stalking me...he asks quietly I had to resist saying 'Ofcourse I stalk you,how couldn't I ' Instead I shrug.

He looks at me but drops the subject.
"You have a choice you can stay in this building and do the research,move to my other compamy building or work at home."
"The other company building"he replies after some consideration.

"Follow me"I say standing up and walking through the door opposite the one zach came through.He follows and we walk till we reach a gate.Beyond the gate was my other company.We keep walking past the building until we reach the main entrance of this building.

"To get here use the card your wearing"I explain.He nods and we continue walking past all the offices until we reach one name d 'researcher'.I open the door for him letting him walk in first.

He looks around for a minute before turning to me.
"Your job sounds simple but it's difficult,me or the others employees will give you a name and you need to find as much information about then as you can,understood?" I question.He nods again.'He's really not in the mood to talk today'I thought to myself.

"The first names are already in the drawer"Zach heads over and I open the door again to leave.I make my way over to another room.Knocking twice before entering.
"Lorenzo,hiw ya doin' " a blonde girl asks, she was sitting legs crossed on the floor in front of a map
"Good,you"I replie
"Me too,so researcher"
"Yeah we've got one"
"Finally,took you long enough,did you put that Isabell girl on the list?"
"Yes,Erica I did. I replie to Erica she smiles before refocusing her interest on the map.I take that as my cue to leave,returning to my office to continue some very necessary work.

Zach's pov:
I open the drawer to reveal a folder placed neatly inside.I flick through,there were 7 pages currently all printed in the same format but with different names.

The first name was "Isabell Brown" I heard that name before,she played in a movie called 'another day' (a/n:I made that up).There were four sections:Her personal info,like her address.Okay thats weird.Did I just accidentaly join the FBI.The next was her family and close friends.The next one was her childhood,okay these are really personal.Her past relationship.Okay yeah I think I accidentaly joined the FBI.I mean I guess I could try.

I sit on the very comfortable and take the laptop and a pen before syarting my research marathon.Surprisingly I found out alot about her,the only thing left to do is find her adress.After a few mkre hours of searching of trying to find her adress when I finally I found it.Then moved on to Thomas Livine.

My eyes slowly dropping with the later it got and eventually they closed for good.

Slowly I open my eyes,the room was dark.I wait for my eyes to adjust to the room.I was still in the office,I had finished 6/7 people on the format there was one more person.I decide to get over and done with,finishing up the report and placing it back in the drawer.

That's when I noticed a heavier weight on my shoulders.A blazer had been placed over me while I slept.It must have been Lorenzo since he's the only one that knows that im in this room and he was also the only person that was wearing a dark grey blazer.'That was very nice of him' I thought to myself.

It was 2am and I didn't have a shift at the bar today so I went home.

I leave the building through the opposite door and continue walking towards my house.When I got there I let out a relieved sigh,sir was still sleeping.Entering my room I continue my little routine of showering,changing my clothes,smoking for a while,brushing my teeth and than going to bed.

I let myself lay on the bed and relax into a nice sleep,the blazer as a extra protection against the cold harsh winter breeze that makes its way in to my house.

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