Chapter 2

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Zach's pov:
The next morning I woke up really early.Luckily for me 'sir' was still passed out so I didn't have any problems getting ready for my other job.The Rosso industry was a Well-Known and important company.

The main source of my income.There weren't a lot of people working in the company though.Everyone was suspicious of the boss because of his low profile.I personally wouldn't have joined if I didn't have too.

The work environment isn't friendly but it isn't rude either.It's fearful ,everyone constantly seems on edge.The company was close to my house so I could walk.I didn't have a car so I didn't have much of a chance to get a job further than my ability to walk so I'd say 20 minutes walk.

Finally I arrived,the building was magnificent on the outside.The main building was a spiral majority of it is glass allowing sunlight in.The rest of it was beautiful especially in the day.

Entering the building I head to the main office to sighn in.
"Zach Sinclair''the receptionist asked.
"Yes" I replied.She points to a man standing to the side.I recognise him as the only person who had seen the bosses face in the company

I walk over to him,he doesn't speak but just walks forward signalling me to follow him.

I follow him,taking my time.We walk to a part of the building that was securely restricted.The first rule was to never go past it unless you were escorted.

We continue walking past many guards until we reach a door.The man opens the door and montions for me to enter.When I step inside he closes the door and I take a look at the room.

The room wasn't very grand.It looked like a general office room.The most alarming thing was that someone was sitting in a chair facing away from me.

"Mr.Sinclair (a/n:That's Zach's last name incase you forgot),nice to meet you again" the man said before turning to face me.

It was the man from the bar yesterday.The homophobic one.He smiles a playful grin,something I wouldn't except from him due to how rude I was to him yesterday.

My breath hitches and he just stares.So I stare back.After a minute of silence he speaks again.
"That was quite a statement you made yesterday" he says.
"Thank you,I wish I could say the same" I  spat back,containing my anger.He just smiles and if I wasn't so mad I would have fainted by how beautiful he was.

"Now now,I didn't mean to offend,I was just joking"
"Wasn't very funny"
"It doesn't matter I've come to ask you to do another thing,usually im not so forgiving to those who go against me,but for you I'll make an exception"He grins,

"How about you work for my other company,pretty boy." I feel my cheeks heat up a little at the nickname but I keep my cool.
"What is the other job?" I question
"Research,you earn twice as much"he states.
"Sure"I say,the money would really help.

"Take a Card from the shelf and come here tomorrow same time,you can go home now too"I nod and take one of the cards on the shelf.

"I'll see you later,pretty boy" he says before heading out another door that leads to god knows where.I take that as my cue to leave.

Heading back out through the door I came through,the man from before was standing there and he escortes me out of the builfing,giving me a smile and a wave as I leave.

I must admit that was strange,I've never seen him smile before he's always so serious.Ignoring it I walk back home.When I reached home I realised sir was awake.If I was lucky enough I'd get away with a yell.As I open the door,a wave of alcohol hits me.I close my mouth,suppressing the bile in my throat.

Today wasn't a lucky day.As soon as I turned around I was pushed up against a door.Hard.I fall to the floor,tears already falling from my eyes.

"Get lost" sir says.I scramble to my feet and rush to my room.Grabbing my clothes and changing.Placing the card underneath the bed.After doing that I grab my cigarettes from under ny bed.

As soon as the cigarette touches my lip I feel my entire body relax.After smoking for some time I brush ny teeth and lay under the covers and close my eyes drifting into a dreamless sleep.

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