Chapter 1

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(Imma do really small chapters for this, sorry not sorry.)


The small prince ran through the bushes, not registering the pain shooting through him as his clothes, wings, tail, horns, and legs caught on the thorns and branches.

He suddenly heard yelling and saw the distant dance of fire. He quickly hid in one of the more thick-leaved bushes, his tail wrapping around his leg and his eyes screwed shut.

He took off his crown, covering it with his cloak so the fire would not reflect off of it and give him away. The voices of Demons, Angels, and Barbarians rushed past him, he pressed his ears to the sides of his head, catching only tidbits of words.

"GET- DON'T- THE PRINCE- KILL-" all the other words muddled into a buzz. The prince gripped himself tightly, refusing to make a sound.

The voices grew quieter as they marched farther away. The prince shuddered and extended his wings slightly, trying to see the damage. When his eyes locked on his right wing he wanted to wail. Only upon seeing his wing did the pain there become apparent. His wing, which had once been a beautiful leathery resemblance of a bat's, was ravaged and mangled. It had large holes burned and torn into it, the prince could see a bit of the bone sticking out.

He shut his eyes and folded the wing up again not wanting to look at it any longer. He carefully ripped a piece of his cloak off and wrapped it around his wing so it wouldn't be visible. He let silent tears fall.

Slowly the prince lifted his ears from the sides of his head and listened closely for anything to suggest life forms nearby. Nothing. He stood up shakily and walked away from his bush. He was too close to the paths, he bent over and vomited. The sourness was horrible, but at last his body was done emptying out. He glanced around, he needed to leave. He needed to go farther to be safe.

He ran for a while until he eventually came to a small clearing in the woods. He was unsure of where he was anymore, his brain not helping as it shut down. There was a single great willow in the middle of the clearing. It was a serene picture compared to what the prince had just left.

He examined the tree, climbing slightly, using the knots in the wood to climb, his hands filled with blisters and scratches. He found there was a small natural platform where all the branches broke away from the trunk. The prince could see it was large enough for someone slightly larger than him to get comfortable.

Before settling down though, he grabbed some branches from the trees surrounding the clearing and made a small wall around the platform to ensure he wouldn't fall off the tree in his sleep. He didn't normally move in his sleep, usually waking up in the same position he had fallen asleep in, but he feared the nightmares would cause him to be restless and toss and turn in his sleep.

He placed his cloak carefully lining the wall to make a sort of nest. Carefully he placed his bandana in his mouth and tied it behind his head like a gag. This would muffle any cries he may have in his sleep.

He slowly curled himself up, silent tears falling again. He stared at the stars he could see through the Willow's canopy hoping that when he woke up he would be in his plush velvet bed again, his mother dancing into his room and singing him a happy birthday as she brought him deviled eggs and garlic biscuits. He cried himself to sleep wishing this was all just a dream or a sick joke and that his mother and father were still alive, not resting on the castle floor with soulless distant eyes.


And that's the first chapter! I may add in a prologue... is it wierd to add a prologue AFTER the first chapter? I don't plan to publish this right away though, so the prologue may be posted before this... if it is then cool ig... idk


-The King is out-

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