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"What do you mean 'someone was watching us'?" Lucy asks, scooting a little closer to Tim.

"After you two left at approximately 2:05 pm, someone dressed in all black stood outside the front window to your shop for about 30 minutes," Lopez says.

"Did you get facial recognition?" Tim asks.

"We did. His name is Michael Ferrera. We believe that he is part of Madris' crew,"

"Okay, so that's good then," Lucy says, looking back at Tim.

"Maybe. You two must be on Madris' radar if he sent one of his guys to come check out your shop,"

"Did the guy come back after he left?"

"No, but we have eyes on your shop at all times. We'll know if he does."

"Are you guys on standby in case things go south?" Tim asks.

"We send patrol past your shop every other hour or so. If they go past too frequently, Madris will know that something is up," Nyla says.

"That's unsettling," Lucy mumbles.

"So other than the creeper, today was a slow day?" Grey asks.

"Mhm," Tim says. "Rather boring if you ask me."

"Well, that's what happens when you become a UC. This is all for now, keep us posted," Grey says before hanging up the phone.

"How would Fererra have known when we left? We would've noticed him if we were still here," Lucy says, climbing under the covers.

"Must've been watching us all day and we didn't see," Tim says, lying down on the floor.

"This is all very creepy,"

"Welcome to UC work," Tim says before turning the lamp off.


After a night of tossing and turning, Lucy was happy to see the sun up in the sky.

"Worst sleep of my life," she muttered, passing Tim in the kitchen.

She dumped whatever was left in the coffee pot into a mug and leaned against the counter, sipping her coffee.

"Just black coffee?" Tim asks, sipping his.

"Mhm," Lucy replies groggily.

"I always took you for a fancy coffee girl. With all those syrups and sweeteners,"

Lucy shook her head, "Nothing fancy about UC work."

"Cheers to that," Tim says, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Do you think that...Madris is on to us?" Lucy asks, leaning against the counter.

"What could we have done to tip him off? We're selling flowers all day," Tim scoffs.

"I know, I guess I'm just a little paranoid, that's all,"

"You can't be acting all paranoid when you're at work,"

"I know," Lucy says, rubbing her arm.

"This coffee is terrible," Tim says, dumping his mug down the sink.

"Tell me about it," Lucy says, copying Tim. 

"I really hope that Madris makes a move soon, this opp is getting boring," Tim grumbles.

"That's because you're used to the quick and easy opps," Lucy scoffs. "Trust me, boring is good."

"It is also entirely possible that the creeper wasn't one of Madris' guys at all," Tim shrugs.

"You heard Nyla and Lopez, they got facial recognition,"

"Yeah, and they believe that he was part of Madris' crew,"

Lucy rolled her eyes, "Whatever. It's almost 8, we need to get ready to open."

Tim shook his head as he followed Lucy out of the kitchen. 

Lucy quickly unlocked the door and flipped the sign from "closed" to "open".

"Day two has officially begun," she said, turning around to smile at him.

"Unfortunately," Tim grumbled.

Lucy rolled her eyes as she made her way behind the counter. "You know, you could be just a little more optimistic about this."

Tim shrugged, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Lucy looked up at him, "You can quit acting like you're totally miserable,"

"I'm not," Tim says, staring straight at the door.

"You are," Lucy insists. "I know that the ultra-competitive side of you is fuming because of UC school."

Tim scoffed. "That was months ago, Chen. I'm a professional, I promise that some silly competition we had isn't affecting me now."

"Oh please," Lucy said. "I know that you don't like me, but can you at least try and pretend that you're not so miserable having to do an opp with me?"

"Who said that I don't like you?" Tim asked, looking down at her.


Lucy was interrupted by the bell on the door ringing.

"Hi," Lucy said, turning towards the door.

"Hi," an older woman says, walking up to the counter. "Do you guys take orders?"

"No, I'm sorry," Lucy says. "Whatever we have out is all that is available."

"I see," the woman says, turning to look at the buckets of flowers.

"Yeah, we just opened up and we're a small business,"

"I'll be back tomorrow to get a dozen roses then," the lady smiles.

"Great, we'll see you tomorrow," Lucy says.

The two stand in silence as they watch the lady make her way outside.

"I'm going to go get something to eat," Lucy says, heading for the hallway


The rest of the day consisted of three more customers and hardly any conversations between Lucy and Tim.

"Dinner," Lucy called from the kitchen.

Tim practically dragged his feet as he entered. "What did you make?"

"Sandwiches," Lucy says, pouring herself a cup of water.

"I can't wait until I can have a hot meal for dinner," Tim mutters.

Lucy turns around, "I'm sorry, if these sandwiches aren't good enough for you, you're more than welcome to cook your own dinner."

"I wasn't insulting you," Tim says.

"Wow," Lucy says with a dry laugh. "That's a first."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you've been acting like a jerk all day,"

"No, I haven't,"

"Really? The last time I've seen you with a stick this far up your ass was in UC school,"

"Here we go again," Tim rolls his eyes. "What is your obsession with UC school?"

"Maybe the fact that you turned everything into a competition?"

"Me? You were the one acting like you hated me for no reason?"

"No reason?" Lucy scoffs. "You stole my clothes while I was in the shower, I had to walk into the locker room with only my towel on, do you know how embarrassing that is?"

"What?" Tim says. "I didn't do that."

"Oh please. Don't even bother lying to me now."

"I'm not,"

"Right," Lucy nods. 

"I'm serious," Tim says, stepping closer to her. "It wasn't me."

"I'm not even hungry anymore," Lucy says. "Try not to steal my clothes while I'm in the shower this time."

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