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Ringing the bell at the person's house who aggresively finger fucked me wasn't on my to do list today, yet here we were, ringing the bell of the one and only Tyson Rodger. My hand was shaking as I pulled my finger away from the doorbell, waiting on his doorstep for him to open up. Never have I ever thought I'd had to face him again, in person, for fuck's sake.

Before I could form another thought in my mind, the door swung open and a tall, muscular figure appeared. Jesus Christ.

"Avery, what a pleasure to see you again." His mouth formed into a thin line as he spoke in the most proper way he could. "Under this circumstances." I muttered as I looked down to my red All Stars Converse. God, this couldn't get any worse than right now. "How rude of me, come in." He gave me a cold smile, then opened his door a bit wider so I could step aside him. I didn't take the bait. "After you." I said with a sarcastic smile, gesturing him to go inside first. He gave me the same cold smile as he walked inside. I followed him, closing the door behind me with a slight thud. "So, where do you wanna talk about?" He flicked his gaze back over his shoulder, our eyes connected for a second before I focussed my gaze on the pictures on his wall, trying to ignore the awkward tension between us. "About the night your sister disappeared and the last time you've seen her." I muttered as I kept following him until we reached the living room. He gestured towards the couch. "Wait there, I'll grab us something to drink."

How rude, he didn't even ask what I wanted to drink.

I quickly shove the thought aside and cleared my throat before giving him a curt nod when he disappeared into the kitchen. While I set everything up for the small talk, (just putting my bag down and yanking my notepad out of it, that's all) he came back with two cans of Redbull. I grimaced, but took the drink anyway. I never really drank Energy drink, but I wasn't gonna turn down on his offer. He was gonna think I was lame if I did so. "Thanks." I gave him one of the most painful, forced smiles in eternity before opening the can and taking a long sip out of it. The liquid burned down my throat, but he didn't seem to notice my grimace as I did so. He took a sip himself as he spread his legs slightly and leaned down against the back of the couch. I quickly adjusted my way of seating to a more straight position as I cleared my throat, now shifting my body a bit more towards him so I could fully face him.

Let the games be on, I'm gonna find you Jane. For Shayla.

And a little bit for me..

After the interview was done, I hurried out of Tyson's place. He'd been staring at my breasts almost the entire interview, which felt a hell of uncomfortable. I assume he's giving me fake information, because who the fuck would bet on black in the casino one hour before disappearing? If Jane truly did that, that makes me even more worried about her mental health aswell her psychical well being.

You have to get rid of Tyson, he's blocking you towards the path of the solution of this case.

"But how?" I snapped back to the voice in my head as I walked down the pathway that lead towards my place. It was starting to get dark already and the streets were peacefully quiet, which left me alone with my thoughts. Fucking hell, this job was more difficult than I'd imagined in the first place. How was I ever gonna solve the case if Tyson wouldn't work along the way I wanted him to?

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