Hi (2024 version)

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Me *bored*: I haven't logged into Wattpad in a few years, let's see what's going on

Me: Oh! My stories has comments.

Me: A-a-a a REQUEST

Me *shocked* : They love me. They love me! THEY LOVE ME!

Okay but seriously I can't believe people were actually reading the things I posted up here. I felt super self conscious back then, and since I already established I could just disappear, i didn't feel bad leaving Wattpad completely.

I'm in my second semester (FIRST YEAR) of college now, and I feel like I've been spiraling since I have no friends and all my friends from high school stopped answering my texts. I just changed my major and got fired from my work study because my professor didn't like that I changed my major. So I randomly just started looking at Wattpad, since I have free time now. Reading the comments made me so happy, even if they're from 2-3 years ago. It inspired me enough to finish up the chapter I just posted, and gave me ideas for another 2 chapters.

I won't say I'm fully committed to coming back, since this is once again a spontaneous idea, but there will be at least 2 more chapters.

So thank you so much to all the people who left comments on my stories, I hope whoever reads this whether they are new or old, enjoys my writing.

Damian Wayne One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now