Chapter 7: Cupid Needs a Spotter: A Vexus' Plea

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After a week had transpired, Guildmaster Altaria carefully analyzed the teams for the annual battle tournament. Despite initial setbacks and doubts, Altaria ultimately chose Team Light as the guild's representatives. With unwavering determination and confidence, Team Light faced off against opposing teams from other guilds, showcasing their skills and teamwork in the heated battles.

In a stunning display of talent and strategy, Team Light emerged victorious, defeating all challengers and claiming the tournament title. Their triumph not only brought glory to the guild but also solidified its reputation as a formidable force in Siril. As word of their victory spread, the Altaria guild became more famous than ever before, with Team Light hailed as heroes and champions.

A week later, the Altaria guild settled back into its usual routine. After getting the daily eardrum shattered by Loudred due to how much sleeping connoisseurs Alex and Elton are and getting breakfast. Guildmaster Altaria and Farfetch’d had some news to unveil to the rescue teams.

Amidst the chaos of the morning rush, Alex and Elton found themselves in the back, engrossed in goofing off with Spinda. Their laughter echoed through the halls, oblivious to the impending storm brewing around them.

Suddenly, like a thunderclap, Guildmaster Altaria's voice boomed, cutting through their frivolity like a hot knife through butter. "Alex! Elton!" he bellowed, his tone dripping with frustration and annoyance.

Caught red-handed, the duo froze mid-laugh, exchanging guilty glances as they braced themselves for the inevitable scolding that awaited them. It seemed their morning antics had finally caught up with them, and Guildmaster Altaria was not amused.

"Alex and Elton! Pay attention you two! Don’t make me put you guys on cleaning duty with Frosslass as your supervisor for a month!" Altaria shouted.

Alex and Elton were startled due to guildmaster Altaria quickly catching up to their act and both of them quickly corrected their posture in such a robotic way while answering "Yes sir! Sorry sir!" With a soldier accent. As the rest of the teams simply looked at them, Alex felt embarrassed by this while Elton felt upset that the guildmaster didn’t also call out Spinda who was also goofing off.

As Farfetch'd stood poised to announce the long-awaited news, the air thick with anticipation, the moment was abruptly interrupted by the sudden arrival of three Pokémon. Gasps of surprise rippled through the gathered crowd as recognition dawned on their faces, save for Alex's.

A voice rang out from the crowd, finding it hard to believe. "Mr. and Mrs. Vexus! And... is that... their daughter?"

Indeed, standing before them were none other than Mr. and Mrs. Vexus, accompanied by their daughter, the illustrious Meowscarada heiress. The atmosphere crackled with intrigue and excitement as the prestigious guests made their unexpected entrance, casting a shadow of mystery over Farfetch'd's impending announcement.

And just like that, the whole area was in awe as Alex simply didn’t understand on why the fuss with the grass cats. "Who are those guys anyways?" Alex asked, shrugging his shoulders in the process.


"Idiot! Don’t you know anything?! The Vexus are the ones who fund this guild as well as funding Siril’s ambitious projects. Those Multi-Billionaires have influence on everything in Siril!" Spinda, who after slapping Alex due to his ignorance and lack of politics, shouted.

The moment Alex heard the word billionaire, he quickly understood the situation and was also left in astonishment.

"I will take it from here Mr. Farfetch’d. Anyways. Congratulations on winning the tournament, Altaria. Since you all know, we are the ones who fund guilds such as this one. After all, Siril has capable pokemon who will no doubt defend this beautiful land from disasters and enemies like the one located East of Siril. So we fund guilds to better protect our land like the military. But anyways, we came here to test this guild once more." Mr. Vexus stated.

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