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"You w-wanted me?" You stuttered, your eyebrows lifted in astonishment.

Kuroo chuckled, his fingers lightly brushed through the tips of his hair.
"I guess we really don't have the same mindset," Kuroo sighed.

You were completely and utterly stunned, stuck on what to say and how you felt. What did he mean specifically by "he wanted you."

Kuroo oftentimes spoke about you and him taking part in sexual activity, so was it that he wanted your body and not you? Or was it that you were a satisfactory participant to fulfil his sexual desires.

These clouded and puzzled thoughts was the reasoning of your silence, you didn't know what to actually reply with.
But all you knew was that you'd be hurt if you asked him and he chose your body over all of you.

"I just realised since it really was a rumour, then I should thank Lev for all of this," Kuroo grinned, he gently brushed your arm before turning round.

You just stared at him as he took his leave, fearful to say the wrong words.

He then pivoted back round, approaching you slowly.
You looked you at him as he mindfully hovered over you.
You swallowed heavily as he cupped his large hand to your cheek.

He gaped at you for a few seconds before he leaned in slowly,
As an impulse, you closed your eyes waiting for him to kiss you. And he did, lightly, on your jaw.

"Thanks for the gift," he spoke into your ear, furthermore making your eyes fly open.

"Your welcome," you managed to get out, a low tone voiced.

"Your making me pissed off all these people get to see you looking so fine," Kuroo continued, his eyes travelling from your face all the way to your heels.

The way his eyes were clearly hungry for you, but he wasn't acting on it made your body hot. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach multiplying by each millisecond.

"Well you clean up well yourself," you responded, your hand unconsciously brushing over the lining of his black graphic designed sweatshirt. Once you noticed, you snatched your hand back to its original place.

Things now feeling more awkward then they really were. And you knew you were the one making it out to be like that.

"Thank you," Kuroo said back.

Your head began it's contemplation once again.
You didn't want to overthink later, it was better for everything to be out in the open.

You stood up straight and tall, forcing a confident posture. Then you grew closer to the boy. "What did you mean by-

"Everyone's been looking for you."

Both of your attention struck to the rather exhausted looking blonde head stood down the far end of the lobby.

Kuroo's head quickly flipped back to your direction, hoping for you to finish what you were saying. "No, go have fun, it can wait," you said, even nudging the boy forward so he'd depart faster. He nodded at you before he turned back around.

"Oh, that's my bad," Kuroo spoke, to Kenma, now trailing away from you, to the rather short boy on the other side.

"Missing out on your on party for (y/n) why aren't I surprised," Kenma shook his head now walking side by side with the tall black haired boy.


You re-entered the party hall that appeared more alive the before.
Right then, your eyes instantly bolted over to the buffet.
There was a lot of food left over, but one had been completely obliterated.

Versatile- Kuroo TetsurouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora