Prologue Part 2 - Otoño

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After he heard snoring from Autumn, he walked over to the food basket and picked up the lemon.

"Might as well make the best of it," he said. Otoño set the lemon back in the basket and ducked out of the front door. He started walking in the direction of the bakery, knowing there would be sugar there. He kept his head down and hands by his sides. His hand wandered into a finely dressed lady's purse. She had her fine chocolate brown hair in an elaborate updo with curls and bows, her dress made of a silky fabric and a deep lilac with many layers. He felt around for coins and grabbed a handful. She wouldn't notice, she was too busy ogling at one of the acrobats on the corner. Autumn used to help with the show, using her telekinesis to stop a fall if it ever happened. And besides, that Lady probably had so many coins she wouldn't notice a few go missing.

Otoño walked for another minute and pushed open the bakery door. He waved to the blonde boy behind the counter.

"Hey, buddy! What can I get you today?" The store clerk asked him in a cheerful tone, his smile revealing dimples on his cheek.

"Just a cup of sugar," Otoño said pulling out a few coins and placing them on the smooth birch countertop.

"Perfect! Give me just a moment," He said getting out a little pouch for the sugar. Otoño stood there, tapping his foot up and down on the ground. He glanced out the window, hoping to get a glimpse of another fancy couple, but instead saw a pale man with black hair and a black trench coat hiding most of his figure staring at him. His piercing green eyes seemed to be staring into his soul.

The store clerk tried to hand him the bag of sugar but Otoño was frozen in place, still staring at the man.

"You good?" The boy asked, concerned. Otoño was broken out of his trance as he looked at the boy with fear

"Is there a second exit?" Otoño asked snatching the bag. The man from the window had disappeared by the time he looked back.

"Uhh, yes. Why?" He said coming out from behind the counter.

"Someone out there is giving me the creeps, I don't know what he wants," Otoño said looking the boy in the eyes. He looked a little older than him, maybe 15? The clerk started walking towards the back wall where a door was set into the wall. He waved at Otoño to follow him, and he did.

The boy led Otoño through a room past stone ovens full of sweet-smelling honey bread and other delectable treats Otoño could only dream of eating. The boy showed him the door that lead to the alley behind the bakery.

"Thank you, I won't forget this," He told the boy.

The clerk nodded and closed the door, leaving Otoño in the shadowy alley. He ran home as fast as he could, not checking if he was followed.

"AUTUMN!" Otoño shouted as he burst into the door.

"I'm up! What is it?" His sister said, bolting to an upright position on her bed. Autumn saw the terror in his eyes and ran over to him, "Was it one of kits goons? I swear by all that is holy if one of them laid even a HAND on you I am going to-"

"No, its not that, a creepy guy was staring at me through the window of the bakery," Otoño said frantically.

"Why were you doing at the bakery?" She asked with worry etched into her face.

"Well, I was going to make the best out of the lemon you brought home and make lemonade and I needed sugar for that, but I saw a weird man with black hair staring at me through the window!" Otoño replied nervously.

"Alright, you need to calm do-" Autumn started to say but was interrupted by the pale green-eyed man ducking through the door, his shoulder-length black hair falling in his face. Otoño raised his hands to use his fire but the man was faster. He raised his pale hands and snapped his fingers. Otoño braced himself, tensing his muscles and preparing for the worst, but no pain came. Otoño broke out of the trance and tried to cast his flame but nothing came. Not even a glowing spark.

Autumn shoved her hands toward the man to try and knock him off his feet with her telekinesis but her power was gone too.

"Hello children," The green eyes man said as Autumn looked at her hands in confusion. His pale skin seemed to glow in the candlelight.

"What do you want from us? What did you do to our powers?" Autumn asked. Her golden eyes glowed with the fire Otoño could not summon. He was sure his eyes, the same golden color as Autumn's, were probably filled with fear as he stood in place, watching Autumn handle the entire situation.

"I want your help, and I couldn't have you throwing fireballs at me when I ask for your help," He said.

"That still doesn't answer how you did it," Otoño said timidly, eyeing him cautiously.

"I am cursed too, but instead of having power, I can stop one from using theirs," The man said.

"Well, that explains it. You can take people's powers," Autumn said angrily.

"No, I can't take them, I can disable them temporarily," He said, kneeling to look Autumn in her eyes. Autumn crossed her arms over her chest.

"What do you want our help with?" Otoño jutted in.

"Well, this town owes me money, and they refuse to pay. I don't think my power is very threatening to normals who have no powers, but I know yours are, so what do you say?" He asked the twins.

"One condition," Autumn said firmly.

"And what's that?" He asks.

"You train us to use our powers," She said. Otoño liked that condition. He knew Autumn mostly knew how to control her powers, and this was mostly for him. He wanted to learn to protect his sister, not that she needed his protection.

"That was a given, dear child," He said, reaching out to shake his sister's hand. Autumn took his hand and gave it a firm shake.

"What do we call you?" Otoño asked the green-eyed man. He thought for a moment, and Otoño almost started to think he was ignoring him.

"Call me the Godfather," he replies.

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