Chapter 4 - Otoño

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I pretended to admire the purple hydrangeas and orange roses. I saw a flash of black and noted Marcus had moved into position and was now leaning on a wall underneath the wooden hammer sign of the blacksmiths shop. I don't see how its fair, he gets to be in the shade and I have to be in the sun and being near things that make me sneeze!

Marcus pulled an apple out of his pocket and started to eat it. Where did he even get that?

I moved so that I could seem like I was looking at flowers, but I could keep an eye on the tavern. I saw Autumn step out and squint her eyes, holding up a hand to block the suns rays.

Autumn looks at me and I nod at her to let her know that the blacksmith had left. She makes her way over to the booth.

I see her point at whatever was on the table and talk with one of the girls. The girl with black hair was glaring at my sister, and I wasn't a fan.

I looked over at Marcus and he shook his head. I think he knew that I wanted to go over there and help Autumn, even though I knew it would jeopardize the whole thing.

Autumn placed some coins in the chestnut haired girls hand, and she gave Autumn something wrapped up in tan cloth.

I could see the girl flash my twin a smile as Autumn walked away. She put her hand in her pocket and fiddled with her knife. It was a nervous habit of hers.

I started to walk towards her, not too close. Marcus pushed himself off the wall and walked beside Autumn. Her head just barely in line his shoulder.

I saw the girl with black hair who was glaring at Autumn before get up from where she was sitting and start to follow Autumn and Marcus. Damn it.

Marcus whispers something in Autumn's ear and she whispers something back. I quicken my pace. They needed to know that they were being followed. I passed the girl and she paid no attention to me, her eyes trained on Autumn's back.

I finally caught up to my sister.

"We have company," I say to her, "one of the girls from the stall is following us. The one with black hair,"

Marcus glances into a store window, searching the reflection for the girl without breaking pace.

"I see her," he whispers, "we need to get out of the open. You see that alley up there?"

He discreetly points up ahead. Autumn and I nod in unison.

"Turn into there and see if she follows,"

Autumn and I turn and walk towards the alley. It reminded me of Slumbridge and before the Godfather had rescued them from the streets. Marcus followed behind him, glancing back to see if the girl followed.

"I am going to stay on the outside of the alley to trap her in from behind, got it?" He whispers

"Got it," Autumn replies.

Marcus goes to look at the stall right next to the alley as Autumn and I continue into the shadowy passage between buildings. I heard footsteps from behind us. I sure hope Marcus has blocked her in.

Autumn and I turn around to see the girl with black hair and a confused expression.

"Hello there," I say as Marcus wraps his arms around the girl and muffles her screams with his hand.

A/N - Sorry for the short chapter! I have been kind of busy lately, the next chapter will be better. And sorry to all those who hate cliffhangers, because I live for them. :) Happy reading!

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