Chapter 5 - Ravena

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I try to scream as arms wrap around me, but a hand covers my mouth. I squirm like a snake to get out of this persons strong grasp, but I am unsuccessful.

"How does it feel to be caught, little girl?" The boy holding me asked. It must be rhetorical, because he did not move his hand.

"What should we do with her?" The orange haired boy asked the girl next to him. They looked very similar, siblings, if not twins.

"Well we can't just let her go!" She said.

"In your 10 years working for the Godfather, have you never taken a captive?" The boy behind me asked the bickering pair.

They both shook their heads, looking like deer caught in a trance. A dark laugh escaped the boys lips.


I jammed my foot down on the boys foot and he grunted in pain. His grip loosened and I took it as a chance to escape.

The girl grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. She kicked the back of my knees, making me gasp in pain as I dropped to the ground. She held both of my wrists in one hand, and placed a sharp, metal blade against my neck. I froze in place.

"Whats that about being pathetic, Marcus?" The girl asked the black haired boy, Marcus, as he got up from where he was kneeling.

"Not a word," he grumbled.

The girl and the other boy burst into laughter, but unlike Marcus, the girl did not loose her focus or grip on me.

"You still haven't answered my question. What do we do with her?" The orange haired boy asked when the laughter died out.

"We should take her to the Godfather for questioning. We need to figure out how she has that dragon and why it doesn't attack her,"

"Why are you talking about me like I am not here?" I asked, looking up at them from the ground.

"So she does talk!" I scowl at the girl's sly remark, which makes her laugh even more.

"How did you find out about Ha-... my dragon?"

"I thought we were the ones asking the questions," the boy asked.

"You guys are great at this," Marcus smiled.

I could see the other boy's face darken, and I could only assume the girl's face did as well. I don't even know these people, but I can guess that Marcus is older, and bosses the other two around.

"Come on now, I have some horses at the edge of town. The only downside is that we have to cross a road to get there," Marcus said, rubbing his chin. He was trying to figure out a way to get me out of town without being noticed.

"I have an idea!" The orange haired boy said. The other two waited for him to continue.

"Well enlighten us, Otoño. We don't have all day," Marcus said.

"Well, We could all surround her, so that no one can see us holding her wrists. And to make sure she says quiet, Autumn can hold her dagger to her side,"

"Well, its risky, but not terrible. We can give it a shot. Does anyone have rope?" Marcus said. Shit, they might actually get away with this.

"I do!" Otoño said enthusiastically. He pulled a long string of thick twine out of his pocket. He walked over and crouched down behind me.

I could feel the rough twine wrap around my wrists tightly, and the tugging as Otoño tied the knot. I need to get away, but how?

Autumn pulled me to my feet, and pulled her dagger away from my throat, only to move it to my side, right above my liver. I kind of need that, so I probably shouldn't scream or call for help. I hope Vivalda is ok, please don't let her try to come and find me. The last thing I need is for them to kidnap Viv too.

I don't think I could live with myself if they hurt her.

The two boys took up positions behind me and beside me, and we walked out of the alley. I squinted in the shift of brightness, but as I looked at Marcus, he seemed unfazed, same with Autumn on my other side.

I could feel Otoño's stiffness, Autumn's tight grip on my arm and the sharp point of the blade against my side. I could see Marcus's eyes darting left and right, worried they would be caught. I think he could tell that Viv and I were popular in town, and he didn't want to fight his way out. On the other hand, Autumn looks very willing to fight.

Unfortunately, we made it across the street without issue. I could see the two with orange hair grinning like lunatics, while Marcus just had a small smile.

They led me through alley after alley until we reached the outskirts of town. I could see three horses tied to a tree, lazily grazing on the bright green grass.

"Aww, you actually got us horses! And I thought you didn't care about us!" Autumn said jokingly. I could still feel the tip of her dagger against me side, so I didn't dare say anything.

"I wouldn't have broguht you your horses if the Godfather hadn't made me," Marcus said flatly, " I can take her from here,"

"I don't think so, last time you held her, she almost got away. She would have if I hadn't stepped in!" Autumn shot back. I nodded in agreement, not knowing why. If Marcus held me, I had more of a chance to get away, why was I agreeing with the option that would make it harder?

"See! Even she agrees!" Otoño said from beside his horse.

"What is your name? I don't really feel like calling you 'she' or 'this girl' for the whole ride,"

"Ravena," I replied shortly.

"Great," she said to me. Then she turned to her friends, "Does anyone have a map?"

Marcus pulled out a map of Somuth from his pocket. He pointed at the mark for Arborcrest.

"The nearest base in the western outpost, but the Godfather said that he was going to be at the Southern outpost," He said, dragging his finger across the parchment, pointing to different locations as he mentioned them.

"So where do we go?" Otoño asked.

"Well, I dont want to risk losing our captive, especially now that she has seen the locations of our outposts," Marcus said.

"I agree with Marcus. And what do we tell the Godfather about our mission in town?" Autumn said.

"We tell him that we have something much better,"

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