Chapter 6 - Otoño

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I watched as Autumn lifted Ravena by her waist onto her horse with ease. You couldn't tell because of her lean arms, but she was very strong.

She puts her foot in the stirrup and swings her other leg over the horse, Autumns skirt billowing behind her. She reaches her arms around Ravena and grabs the reins.

"Ready to go?" My sister asks. I just up onto my horse and nod at her.

"Lets ride," Marcus replies. He kicks his horse into a canter. Why did he get to lead? Was it because he is older? It's not strength, because thats Autumn. And it isn't smarts, because both Autumn and I know that's me. That's not just me thinking I am better. I was the one who came up with the plan to get Ravena across the street. I was the one who came up with the plan for the Thinter mission, that Marcus screwed up. I know he did, and I think it was to get the Godfather to believe that we weren't capable of completing the mission. I know I am smarter than him.

Autumn and I kicked our horses into motion and cantered up behind Marcus's black horse.

We rode for a while, I didn't want to break the heavy silence that had fallen over the group. Marcus stayed steadily ahead of Autumn and I. I don't think he wants to talk to us any more than we want to talk to him.

"I'm hungry, and tired. When are we going to stop and rest?" Ravena says. We all looked at her. She had this innocent look on her face, but I could see the smugness behind those wide green eyes. Ravena was very needy for someone who was a prisoner.

"We have a few more hours of daylight, and I want to get as far away from Arborcrest by nightfall as possible," Marcus said, turning his head to look at us.

Hours? The sun was already slipping behind the branches of the trees, how were there multiple hours before it was completely dark?

"Marcus, I think we should stop before it gets too dark to set up camp," I said, vocalizing my worries.

"We will, I promise!" He said.

"If you break your promise, you have to kiss me," Autumn said jokingly, probably thinking that it would make him want to stop sooner.

"Then we may just have to keep riding for a while," Marcus replied with a wink. He kicked his horse into a faster pace, and left Autumn and I behind. A tint of pink appeared on her cheeks as she covered her face with her hand.

I could feel my face heating up, but not because of any embarrassment. How could Marcus be so mean and torment us daily, and then turn around and flirt with Autumn? My hate for him grew even more.

I looked over at Autumn and she was grinning. Grinning? Did she like that Marcus was flirting with her? Why would she do that? I saw her kick her into motion, and I followed.

Ravena looked very surprised. She knew enough that the three of us bickered all the time, and I guess she gathered that we hated each other. Well, I guess Autumn and Marcus didn't hate each other. Oh god, why would my sister choose him of all people?

Marcus wasn't joking around when he said a while more. I guess he wanted to kiss Autumn, because we rode until we could barely see our hands if we reached out into the darkness.

I felt around in the saddle bags of my horse, and found a candle and lantern. Along with the candle, I found two quartz pieces. I struck the two rocks against each other and started a flame on the candle. As I placed the candle in the lantern, I saw the light dance across the ground, warped by the glass.

Autumn helped Ravena down from her horse while Marcus helped me set up two tents. We decided that Autumn and Ravena would share a tent. As much as I hated the idea of sleeping in a close vicinity to Marcus, I hated the idea of him and Autumn in the same tent more. And I am not entirely sure I trust him enough to let him be in the same tent as her. Plus, neither of us trusted him to keep track of Ravena.

My sister let Ravena sit down on the ground as Marcus started a fire with some firewood he found in the woods.

"I am going to go and see if I can find a river and get some water," Autumn said, I nodded at her. She grabbed the lantern from beside me and walked into the forest. I saw her orange hair vanish from the light of the fire.

I saw Marcus shift in my peripheral vision and look over to see him standing up. He dusts off his tunic and starts to walk towards where Autumn entered the trees.

"Where do you think you are going?" I asked him, tilting my head to the side. He turned around and gave me a sly grin.

"We didn't stop until it was dark, did we not?" He said, turning back around and sauntered into the woods.

"That must suck for you," Ravena chimed in. I glanced over at her to see her warming her bound hands next to the fire.

"Be quiet," I said back, glaring. She snickered.

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