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Not being strange enough that the map had called only her, it also requested her presence in a place where basically no one lived—this one was too cold—, not to mention that most of the creatures that lived there were because they had been exiled from the Crystal Empire; In simpler words: Evil creatures.

The alicorn had not taken long to tell her faithful dragon companion what was happening.

"Would it be very bad if you didn't obey to the map this time and didn't go? That place isn't very safe, and besides, you're taking care of Flurry Heart," the little reptile mentioned worriedly. He had already been there and he didn't at all like the idea of ​​his friend wandering around those desolate wastelands alone, not even knowing what she was looking for.

"I know, Spike." But I've never ignored a quest that gives me the map, I can't do that now. "And in any case, I don't think it's that dangerous, it's just an empty place full of snow, right?" She suggested in a 'confident' way, but inside she knew that that place could be more dangerous than it appeared.

The dragon didn't respond, but his look was enough to show how much he disapproved the alicorn's statement.

Still, after thinking about it and consulting with the little girl's parents—through letters that Spike helped exchange—it was concluded that the girl would be safe with her aunt;  However, for their safety, Shining Armor would order a guard to keep them company.


"You know you could have left Flurry with any of the girls, right, Twilight?" Objected the dragon while he said goodbye to the alicorns, who were already taking the train to the Crystal Empire.

"I already talked to Shining and Cadance, Spike, we'll be fine." Before fully entering the train, she added something else. "Also, why didn't you suggest that to me before?"

"Why didn't you think about it before?"

The princess rolled her eyes and simply finished boarding the train. There was no turning back, normally when the map made a call they had to hurry, because they never knew how urgently the intervention of the pony who was called was needed.

"We'll be back soon, have fun."

He gave his answer until no one was listening to him. "Yeah, sure."


The trip had been quite exhausting to tell the truth. All along the way, Twilight had not been able to get rid of the feeling of singularity that had settled in her. She perceived the trip as strange because most of the time she traveled to the empire, she had the company of her friends. The moments they lived together were so pleasant that sometimes the duration of the trip felt non-existent.

However, now, remembering the last time they had taken a trip of such length where the sole purpose was to have fun and relax together was more difficult than she would like to admit.
She didn't want to have the bad luck of unconsciously making her fears come true, but she also couldn't help but feel like they were starting to get further and further apart, and she hated that feeling.

Her thoughts quickly drifted away when a visible flash caught her attention and the glittering Crystal Palace slowly appeared in her field of vision.

"Look, Flurry, we're close to home." She pointed out to the little girl, who, despite not really understanding, let out a small but happy laugh.

Only a few minutes later, the train finally stopped at the destination the alicorns were heading to.

"Good afternoon, Princess Twilight." A stallion, who from the armor the aforementioned was wearing Twilight deduced that he belonged to the Royal Guard of the Empire, approached and bowed before her. "It is nice to see you again, I hope you enjoyed the trip." He turned to look at the little girl and quickly added: "You and Princess Flurry Heart."

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