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The sun began to slowly carry out its illumination process, marking the beginning of another new day.
Another new day in which the purple alicorn hoped would not be a failure like all the previous ones.

For context, it had been a full week since they had arrived at the castle and she had provided lodging for the king.

Just the day after that, the princess had planned to invite him to have breakfast with everyone and thus be able to make him feel more confident; something she couldn't accomplish since the pony refused to come out.

Every time the alicorn went to knock on his door to try again, he responded that he didn't feel like eating or leaving his room, so she simply left some food for him at the door and then went somewhere else.

She wanted to insist, but if she wanted him to start feeling comfortable, she knew she had to give him space until he felt confident enough to at least leave the room.

On the other hand, during those exact seven days in which the steed had not wanted to go out, he had simply preferred to stay inside so he could think carefully about everything.

He didn't know how, but he had to return to the Crystal Empire and fulfill his mission: Liberate all the Umbrums, which was the idea from the beginning.

For different reasons, his mind felt like a puzzle with several pieces missing, there were things he remembered and things he didn't, and when he tried to remember, his head was attacked by some type of extremely painful and annoying migraine.

This being so, he actually wasn't very clear about why exactly he should free the other umbrums, he had almost forgotten it; but even if the reason was uncertain, he knew it was important, he could feel it.

Being locked in a single room for a whole week might seem like an exaggeration for any pony, but it wasn't like that for him.

A week in a room didn't compare to a thousand years in the ice, did it?

He could boast that he had more endurance than any other existing pony, he did not believe that there was any pony capable of withstanding even half of the things that he had experienced in his more than a thousand years of life.

Even if a few years had already passed, the experience of being contained in a huge piece of ice but unable to actually feel anything was still vivid.

He remembered how he was indeed alive, but he couldn't feel anything at all, he didn't know if this had been caused by the numbness that the cold caused to his body or because he simply didn't have one and was in his shadow form, but whatever the answer, he had always been aware of the environment he was in; He couldn't feel if he was breathing or not, he couldn't feel his heart beating, and at some point after a few years, he stopped knowing if his eyes were open or not. Everything around him was darkness, everything in his mind was darkness too; and that same darkness that once terrified him was what helped him maintain hope that one day, no matter how far away it was, he would be free again. The darkness ended up becoming his faithful companion.

But, even though after the first hundred years, he had learned to wait and be patient (as much as possible), this experience had been one of the worst tortures he had ever experienced, and he hoped he would never have to return. to ever live it.

Although well, that could perhaps compete with the time the crystal heart literally dismembered him and reduced his body to pieces; so that he then had to regenerate and each piece had to be put together one by one as if it were some type of board game.

But no, he was not so masochistic as to start remembering all his bad moments and make himself suffer by having to relive them.

That being the case, he preferred to continue wandering among his memories.

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