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If Twilight was to be completely honest, she still wasn't sure about what she was actually doing.

Not even she herself could believe the pony she had just dealt with, she was committing actions that she knew would bring her very possibly problematic consequences.

But even knowing all this, she was determined to take that risk.

Unfortunately for her, if that had been her decision, she now had many things to face.

Example number one: her angry brother.

"Twilight, I assure you that I try to understand you but it is impossible, after everything I told you, you just ignored it and went to make deals with that...?" He wanted to call him something insulting, but he preferred to avoid it; instead he just looked away and formed a frown.

"Listen, I think..." Before formulating any sentence, her brother interrupted her again. She really hated that.

"No, you listen to me, you will condemn us all by freeing King Sombra. What do you think will happen when you do it? He will try to take over the Crystal Empire and all of Equestria." His rapid breathing and completely frowning gaze made it impossible for everyone not to notice that he was greatly angry. "After everything he did, why do you insist?"

"Well... Because I think he can change. Look, the map sends us on missions when our help is needed to resolve a situation. In this case I think the situation is to help him see that there is a different way of doing things, to reform himself. We don't even know why he is evil, maybe he went through difficult things that made him that way. We've reformed many ponies before, why couldn't I do it now?  That map in a certain way is connected to the elements of harmony, I trust whatever it is trying to do." The purple alicorn responded in her defense, using a peaceful voice;  She knew that if she got upset like her brother, they would get nowhere.

The unicorn snorted still annoyed, he preferred to turn around and return to his place next to his wife, who had been in the same throne room as well as the Royal Sisters, listening to the discussion.

Twilight turned to look at the oldest alicorn, waiting for her to say something.

She took a few seconds to think quite a bit before speaking.

"It's your decision, Twilight, if you think it's best to give him a chance, you have our permission." She spared a glance at her sister and niece before addressing the younger alicorn again. "Though we still want to express our concern about all this, if you are really sure that you want to do it, we will support you, but you should always keep in mind that you are not dealing with Discord, Starlight or even Sunset Shimmer." The white alicorn walked a little until she was near her former student. "King Sombra has committed much crueler acts and cannot even be compared to them, he is capable of worse things."

Twilight only looked down in response.

"Him reforming and becoming an ally would indeed be a good thing," she continued when she saw that she would not respond, "but the risk is high; Personally, I'm not sure it's worth it, Twilight."

Twilight thought very carefully about the words of her former mentor, she knew that what she told her was true.

Still, it was a decision she had practically already made, and despite the risks she knew she was taking, she wasn't going to back down from giving the former king a chance.

She closed her eyes and sighed softly before speaking.

"I know, I understand... But I already thought about it and made the decision." She looked the elder in the eyes with a touch of insecurity, since usually she did not go against Celestia's wishes.

Within You - [Twibra]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن