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It was another quiet day in the Crystal Empire, the sunlight reflected on the great palace caused it to shine dazzlingly as usual; The ponies walked back and forth with smiles on their faces, which in turn caused the magic crystal heart to glow.

It went without saying that if they were aware of the latest events in the empire, things would be very different.

Even though it had only been a few years since they had been freed from the enslaving king, discovering that he himself was now on the loose was not going to be welcomed by anyone.

For this same reason, the rulers of both the empire and Equestria knew they had to keep the matter as discreet as possible, at least until they knew how to assure their subjects that King Sombra was not a threat and they had nothing to fear.

But, if they had to be honest, not even they themselves were sure that this was the case.

"Honey, do we really need to go?" Shining Armor asked his wife, who had her back turned while she was looking for something in her daughter's closet.

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye with a little tiredness and annoyance mixed, this being the third time that the unicorn asked her the same question.

"Yes, I had already told you, this is important if we want to maintain the ties between the Crystal Empire and Maretonia," she responded without turning to look at him, still opening several drawers at once and picking up articles of clothing in a disorderly manner.

"I understand, but we already went last week, is that not enough? Are we going to have to go every week?"

"Of course not, it's just these days that we're going to be a little hectic, but then things will calm down. Remember that it is necessary for the empire to recover its commercial relations, they have all been lost since... Holy cow, I can't find a single clean diaper for Flurry!" The Crystal Princess complained, raising her voice, at the same time abruptly closing the drawers, looking quite upset. "Shining, don't you tell me you forgot to buy them." This time she did turn to see the unicorn.

"Uh..." he felt a little unsure of responding when he noticed the fury in his wife's eyes, it was not the first time that he forgot to buy the things that the baby needed. "Well..."

Before he could finish, and much to Shining Armor's relief, someone interrupted by entering the room.

"Good morning, Your Majesties." A unicorn with orange fur and a pronounced beard greeted with apparent joy.

"How are you doing, Sunburst?" Shining walked towards him with a smile on his face, hoping that with his interruption his wife would forget about the diaper issue.

"Well, thank you, I hope I haven't kept you waiting."

"Not at all. Don't worry, Sunburst." Cadance joined the conversation. "In fact you'll have to excuse us, Flurry isn't ready yet, we forgot to buy her diapers." She looked undisguisedly at her husband next to her, who avoided her gaze at all costs.

"Oh." Although he realized what was happening, he ignored it. "It's okay, I can go buy them. You, on the contrary, should leave now; the train will leave in thirty minutes." He entered the room, greeting the baby who was in her crib when he saw her.

"Sure, thank you, and sorry again for bothering you."

"Oh, okay, it wasn't of much importance what was on my agenda this week... Still, hadn't you said that Twilight was going to be free these weeks?"

Upon hearing the question, both rulers looked at each other with insecurity.

Sunburst was always taking care of Flurry Heart, almost making him her official foalsitter; For this reason, not having so much work to do, Twilight had decided to offer to take care of the baby and thus help lighten his load, leaving the unicorn a little more free time.

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