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It feels like I have been standing here for like a decade now. 

"Does it really take so much time for women to get ready?" I whisper to Prem standing beside me.

 I want to see her now. 

Soon all the heads turn towards the entrance and I see my queen, my woman walking towards me with Risha and Riya beside her and followed by her friend Aria. 

She looks magnificent

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She looks magnificent.

Pink suits her. 


All colours suit her.

 She looks like she is meant to be mine.

I have been a very patient yet a greedy man but when I see her I want to be selfish and possessive too.

She walks and stands beside me while looking at my eyes. 

"You shouldn't look him in the eyes before he becomes your husband" my chachi tells her. 

She softly mumbles a sorry and looks down. 

I could have the clear view of her face as she stood before me. 

The priest was asked to start with the rituals and I had no time to tell her how gorgeous she looked. 

Soon we exchanged our rings and the ring I bought for her suited her really very well. 

As much as I wanted her to look at me, the rituals and so called customs of my family held me back.

 Her brother walk up to us. 

"Hope you take good care of her and love her the way she deserves to be" he told me with a smile

- so unusual- 

and she smiled back at her brother!!!

 As far as I remember she didn't get along with her step family the how the fuck and when the fuck did this happen???!!!

 "I will" I reply holding my composure.

We had a hard time on stage with people congratulating us on getting engaged. 

Most women here glared at Ishu- that is what Prem told me. 

Suddenly there is a high pitch voice that echoes through the place. 


All heads turn to the source of voice. 

It's none other than my long lost enemy Maya Rashi.

 "Well well, you're getting married and you didn't feel like it was important to invite your friend to this engagement party of your. Since we are friends I'll let this go for once." She said and smirked at me. 

Why is she here is the first thing that comes in my brain. 

"Raja Saheeb you're marrying a women who does not have character." She spoke. 

"Keep in mind the words you used against the future Queen" my brother-in-law spoke with flames in his eyes.

 "you should be careful little prince, she is a snake in disguise." She retorted with a huff.

 "What have I done to you that you come all the way from Delhi just to crash my engagement and try to defame me?" I speak breaking the conversation to the point. 

"Now that's a good question you know. – she smiked and walked closer to Rana Sa and pointed at me- the problem here is YOU. You ruined my career, my life, my everything. You ruined the least I had of myself. You are selfish and very self-centered. And now you are marrying a rich man and living your happy little life I'm sorry to break your bubble but I won't let you have a peaceful life-"

 she was cut of by Rajveer.

 "SECURITY!!! Get this woman out of here" he shouts.

 But by now all of this was already in media.

 Maybe it'll be the headlines of tomorrow's newspapers. 

It was supposed to be my special day and she ruined. 

I am angry, sad and much more. 

The ocean of emotions in my brain is giving me a headache. 

I want to cry but I don't want to look weak infront of all of these people. 

Rajveer stands infront of me blocking the camera's from flashing on my face. 

"Lift your head my love" he says. 

I meet his eyes with my moist orbs only for him to lift me up and bring me to changing room.

 "It's alright-" he tries to speak but I cut him off. 

"It's not. I hadn't invited her. She entered here because she had the invitation or if someone brought her with them." I break in front of him. 

My brother enters the room with a loud thus on the door. 

"Who was she?" he asks. 

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to anything she said as Anjali sent me out to fetch some stuff for her.... I heard what happened outside" he added and lowered his head.

 "She was in the same university as me. We had a final project submission in the company where we were interns at. She was with me. The company was going to select only 3 people as permanent employees after the final project. She thinks that I copied her ideas and modified them a little to get the company appointment letter." I tell him. 

"She has misunderstood everything. She thinks her boyfriend was cheating on her with me. I don't know how she came up with these conclusions but this is what happened. I didn't even like her boyfriend. We were in the same team for a project and maybe during that time something happened" I add.

 "I'm sorry" Avi bhai says.

 "What are you sorry for?" Rajveer asks him. 

"I was the one who brought her in... Anjali told me that she was her friend and asked me to get her in... I never had imagined something like this would have happened." he says and lowers his head.

Why would Anjali get Maya inn?

How do they know each other?

Why does Anjali want to break my marriage? Just because she likes the King?

This can't be only it.

There has to be more to it.


Sorry for the late update people

I hope you guys enjoy the story

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