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 The rain began to fall in a gentle patter, a soft accompaniment to the heavy weight of despair that settled over my heart. I look into Sam's eyes, once bright with determination, now clouded with pain and resignation. My hand trembles against his cheek, feeling the chill of his skin beneath my touch. "I can't, Sam," I whisper, my voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. "I can't do it." Sam reached up, his fingers curling around my hand with a weak grasp. "Please Cassie". he says his voice barely a whisper. "Please release me from this pain. I can't go on anymore. It hurts. He says. I'm not able to look at him. I can't face what I have to do. Tears blurs my vision as I struggle to find the strength to comply with Sam's request. Every fiber of my being rebelled against the idea of taking the life of my friend, my companion in this nightmarish arena. But as I looked into his eyes, I saw the truth in his words. We are trapped in a twisted game, pawns in a deadly contest where only one could emerge victorious. It would be selfish of me not to this. To let him live in this pain. It would be selfish. I don't want to. "What about your brother Sam?" I ask hoping anything could convince him. "He will be fine" he says. "He knows how to hunt. Cassie, I have fulfilled my purpose. You must go on without me. Please make my pain stop". I look at him. His sad green eyes look back at me. The eyes that were once filled with happiness and love have now turned into pure sadness. "I know you can win this Cassie. I was never meant to come out here alive". he leans forward and whispers in my ear: "show them your more than just a piece in their game". I look at him. He smiles at me. A weak and tired smile. "fine" I tell him. At least I'm the one to end his suffering and not the careers. I put his backpack on and get ready to take mine. All the weapons except my sickle are in the bags. I take my sickle that lay beside me. "I'll see you on the other side" I tell him. "I can't wait to see you again" he says smiling. "And Cassie thank you".

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